Monday, December 31, 2007

Good Luck

Since this is my lost post of the year; I wish you all the best of luck! Just received my DD214 last Saturday, which was great!! Sorry to rub that in, but I love the fact that everyday I have the freedom to do whatever I want.
The new job is working out fine, Jolly is starting school in Jan. and Napoleon is as crazy as ever. Hope to hang out with you basterds sometime in this coming year!
Have a good one!

Go Michigan! Go Hawaii! Go Buckeyes!! (Pretty much anybody playing against the SEC)

Hopefully my canes pull their heads out of their butts and play some good football in '08

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Great posts everyone, way to keep the blog going
F U I'm out-

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Kaiser's #1

Heres mine. Yoko Matsugane. Because nothing is better than an Asian who's built like an american, and has obscenely big (and real) funbags.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Who is on the list??

Well I just got done watching that Chuck & Larry movie, which was nothing special........HOWEVER...Jessica Biel (Right) was in it...I informed Jolly that Jessica is on my list. That if I were ever to meet her at a bar or wherever, and for un-godly reason she digs the cuban, everything would be fairgame!! So lets see who you people consider worthy of the list that your wife/Girlfriend would have to deal with! So take your time…This is your number #1…
And yes Jolly go ahead and post yours too.....but I know no one can have me beat of course

O hai guyz

This is a tale explaining the manner in which My way of life was rotated along a Y axis until it reached a position roughly 180 degrees from that which it started. If I could have 60 seconds of your time, simply place your posterior in the selected location And I will relate to you the details of how I was made the male monarch of the district of the City of Los Angeles, California commonly referred to as Bel-Air (coordinates 34.08333 -118.44778).

In the western region of the “City of Brotherly Love” known as Philadelphia my mother expelled me from her womb and indeed that is also where I spent my childhood in my mother’s care. The majority of my time was spent in a recreational area containing such diversions as a jungle gym, swing set, sand box, etc. I was typically at the height of leisure while frequently at a temperature slightly below what might be considered standard room temperature.

Outside of my educational institution I was engaging in a game of basketball with some of my friends When a couple of gentlemen who seemed to be of the disposition to cause a great deal of mischief Began causing a great deal of chaos and disharmony in the area in which I lived. I was involved in one rather small bout of fisticuffs after which my mother became concerned for my general safety and well-being And she informed me that I would be moving in with her sister and her sister’s husband in the previously mentioned community of Bel-Air. I implored my mother to relent approximately 24-48 hours ago, Yet she gathered my belongings in a somewhat flat, rectangular shaped piece of luggage and expelled me from her presence.

She placed her lips upon my cheek in an affectionate manner and handed me a pre-purchased pass for public transportation. I placed the headphones for my personal music system into my ears and verbalized the idea that I may as well impact this situation with my foot. Traveling in the highest available level of comfort, this is indeed an unfortunate situation (although I make this statement with some irony) Consuming the juices obtained by the squeezing of the fruit of a Citrus sinensis from a piece of glass stemware commonly reserved for the sipping of sparkling wine originating from the Champagne region of France. I pause to wonder if this is indeed how the residents of the admittedly upper-class neighborhood of Bel-Air commonly live. Indeed I find this situation may be rather to my enjoyment.

I puckered my lips and exhaled forcefully to produce a shrill note in order to gain the attention of a taxicab driver, and as the driver approached I observed his California vanity plate which in place of the traditional jumble of alpha-numeric characters, used only the letters F, R, E, S, and H, spelling out the word “fresh” and from his rearview mirror dangled a pair of oversized, fur-covered cubes decorated to look like the six-sided dice commonly used in gambling and board games. In such a situation I could have made a statement about the unusualness of this particular taxicab to the point of it being nearly unique. Instead I cogitatively decided against it and instead informed the driver that he should deliver me to what was to become my new home in the community of Bel-Air.

We pulled up to a large domicile sometime between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock, and in a loud tone of voice I informed the cab driver that at some undetermined point in the future I would again detect his odor through my sense of olfaction. I gazed about the region of land that I was destined to rule, reflecting on my arrival Where I would claim my rightful place upon the throne, from which I would govern the community of Bel-Air.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hail to the Kings

Roger Maris and Hank Aaron, the real home run kings. Maris for hitting the most in a season, and Aaron for hitting the most in a career. Bonds, McGuire, and Sosa are now forever damned after being implicated in Senator Mitchell's steroid and substance abuse report. Jose Canseco was ridiculed after publishing a book about all these players and more, including Alex Rodriguez, who wasnt mentioned in the report. Looks like Baseball owes Canseco an apology, afterall, he may have saved the names of future kick ass ball players from humiliation by kickstarting this little war on "the cream".

Long story short, Bonds is going to hell for lying under oath, McGuire is just a failure for losing the steroid homerun record to bonds, and Sammy Sosa should be let off the hook. Not because he's innocent, but because he couldnt beat either Bonds or McGuire while juicing and corking his bat at the same time. That alone, if made public, would be enough shame for any slugger of his size.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Japan scientists develop fearless mice

Researchers Clone Fluorescent Cats,2933,316592,00.html

And this is the shit thats on the news, who knows what wierd shit is out there and not reported......Makes you think!

Damn yOu! BullDyke!


Yes that’s right, fellow NightOwls beware of the Bull Dyke! It is you typical pumpkin shaped woman with short spiked up hair, who loves nothing but a good carpet to munch on. Today at the park as Jolly and I took our newest addition (Napoleon), and we can across a large flock of Bull Dikes yelling and hanging out near the playground.
Why do these people exist? Who needs them? I see them walking around pretending to have a set of balls, with their little leather jackets and their diet coke, and I’m sorry….I just want to smack them back into reality.....I know that probably doesn’t sound right…but I don’t give a shit.

Death to all Bull Dykes!

So I mixed a picture of Fez with a BullDyke and this was the result! Pretty Scary!

Had to do it.

Holy jesus, I had to post this up so everyone could see how skinny the mighty diesel P used to be.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Where's your god now?

I'm not going to start talking shit about people's religion here, so calm down. I just want to say, that its about time to knock off the "I'm so blessed" garbage after football games. You never hear anyone say "I was so blessed to have my leg crushed and get blown out today". Well if god was helping you during the wins, what do you say when you get your head shoved up your ass?

Look fucker. If god's around he's got bigger things to worry about than you not throwing 5 interceptions and blowing your chances at the playoffs. So stop throwing it in the other team's face that you think he loves you more when you win.
So where's god now? He's wondering why you dont stop putting things on his shoulders and accept responsibility for being a shitbag quarterback.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It is what it is! Part 2

Okay guys here are some new pics from the wedding; first we have a classic Vin pose; where everyone at the party knows that a drunk angry man is yelling at them-(notice the placement of the hands on the hips!). Then you see Kaiser wearing his standard issued clothing (Leather Jacket, Black Shirt, and Jeans). Fez is perfectly crashing in on a picture moment for these two girls, at the bottom left is Mario hanging out with Kaiser-who btw isn’t smiling cause he just got force fed for the 4th time that night. Lastly this picture was taken just as Vin was about to feel up my Aunt on the Dance floor, for some reason he kept calling her Rita Repulsa?

Thursday, December 6, 2007


God hates us. Tooth fairy bribes kids with money... Santa toys...... Uncle Tom threatens to kill your Puppy. Now I know why catholic preists get caught..... What can they bribe kids with Jesus? Get the fuck outta here.


Just in case anybody was wondering.... I'm extremely bored and in the need to hate. Well I couldn't think of anything current so I figured I would once again attack the scumbag fuck named T.O. Fuck you asshole and I hope you die in a fire. Yeah you failed at life football and suicide. Oh I'm just warming up

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fuck Tolerance

Since yelling at people on airplanes and at the airport would get me thrown in a cell, I'm doing it here.

1. Fat Love
Ok, so your fat significant other has gotten off the plane to visit or come back to you. Now you want to smash your chins and guts together while making out in the terminal in front of hundreds of people. knock it off. I realize you wont be getting intimate during your weekend vacation at the cheesecake factory, but for christ sake at least wait until you get to the parking garage to use up all your energy.

2. Snowboots
Why the hell are women walking around in snowboots in phoenix. Why the hell are you wearing snowboots at all?

3. Yammering Bitch and Jaded Moron
A guy sits next to a nice looking chick on the airplane. Naturally he loses control and his primordial brain thinks he has a shot at her. He says something like, "so where ya headed." Mistake one, you already know where shes headed asshole; to the next city, and then away from you. Mistake two, you've now opened a window for this broad to run her fuckin mouth for the entire flight, making it impossible for anyone within 6 rows to sleep or think, instead of using all their concentration trying to not hear her stories about nothing.

4. Gay Attendant
Look dude, I'm sorry you ended up handing out pretzels and headphones for some dumbass movie. That doesnt mean you have to walk around the plane the whole time fucking with people. Telling them to put their seatbelt on here, hawking your god damn snackbox there. Yeah thanks for that 5$ box of lemon cookies and hippie crackers with the fucked up organic cheesespread. (I bought one, but i was starving god damn it.)

5. Businessman
My all time most hated. The guy with the black wall street coat and the briefcase stuffed with a laptop and his "papers". Before the flight, this guy will yell into his cell phone about real estate to making copies of shit to whatever 5 star hotel he'll be staying at on his companiy's dime. Thanks a lot asshole, but since you've informed everyone at the gate that you personally think youre a bigshot, let me inform you that nobody gives a flying rat's hemmoroid covered ass. By the way, buying first class tickets on an intercontinental flight not only makes you look like a complete shit head, its also the biggest waste of money you could have made on your trip. And dont give me that look when I buy the snackbox dickweed, not all of us can live off of Marriot continental breakfasts and starbucks you yuppie faggot.

Monday, December 3, 2007


For the horde!!!

BCS: Bullshit Championship Series

Everyone says LSU should be in the championship game on the basis of their tough schedule. Um, has anyone actually looked at their schedule this year? It sucked ass. Its five road games (one less road game than most of the other deserving BCS teams this year) included joke games against Tulane, a 6-6 Alabama team, and two schools from Mississippi that may or may not exist. Their hardest road game was No. 17 Kentucky.
They lost that one.
Their biggest home win was Virginia Tech, in Week 2, when half of the Hokies team was still under suspicion of mass murder. Since when in college football does a win in September give you a free pass to the title game? LSU didn’t beat any team ranked higher than No. 9, And the two times they were handed the No. 1 spot for no good reason, they immediately choked it away. Yeah, that's a great resume.

Ohio State on the other hand managed to beat the living shit out of....nobody.
Youngstown State, Kent State and Akron are some first class powerhouses.
The highest ranked team they played was #23. So 3 weeks ago, Ohio State was #1, and lost to unranked Illinois, And now they get the title game by default, while Missouri, who lost to #9 Oklahoma, Is sent to the Cotton Bowl.
I'll pass on caring when the victory celebrations happen.

Friday, November 30, 2007


You be the judge. Face of an athelete or obese fuck?

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I’m sure that all of you have heard various stories about a childhood friend name Fat Mike. I was recently going through my myspace friends and looked at Fat Mikes profile when it hit me like a ton of bricks. People lie on the internet. What a fucking idea. Why when someone who has a nickname like fat in front of their name would you state under Body type they are athletic. Get the fuck out of here.

Monday, November 26, 2007


This will be the title of this event in the official Nightowl Ministry Event Journal.... oh, didn't know we had one? we do now.

It is what it is!

Cheers to you Basterds!
Thanks for coming and making this past weekend something that Jolly and I will never forget!
I am starting to collect the pics now, so I’ll be posting pics of you all soon!

Cuban B

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Months ago, I scouted the town of Murrell's Inlet as a future conquest for the Nightowls. After the chaos and recklessness I saw there, I figured it would be a tough task to get the knockout. What I didnt count on was the entire Cuban B clan outclassing the locals by putting the entire southern drinking community to shame. The Cubans were led by the legendary Mario, and by forging an alliance with his gang of Miami native iron livers, the Nightowls obliterated any possible competition with overhwelming brute force.
The whole thing went down like Germany vs. Poland in WWII. Sorry Jolly Red, but your hometown never had a chance, and needs a major ego check among its "finest" of so called drinkers. Out of the smoke and fire came a guest appearance from the mighty Gunny T, and a possible new Nightowl, provided she completes the checklist, and the captaincy decides to void some requirements in favor of true drinking excellence. Oh, and there was a wedding.

In short, Murrell's Inlet was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another time, and with fewer Nightowls and family, maybe it could have put up a fight, but it wasnt to be on this occasion.

R.I.P. Murrell's Inlet.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

One of THOSE nights!!!!

Fellow nightowls, Distinguished drunks and power vomiters,
Well it happened, after a night of drinking heavily... all free. I went to olivia's for the first time. As sad as it is, i was asking for a ride back to the barracks. And somehow we ended up there. I didn't complain... For once again i was drunkicus fantastic... (if this story doesn't make sense... fuck ya).... anyways. Saw such folks as Tubaugh, Goff, Jay, Oliver, Dawes and jumonville. These are the people that actually choose to go to this place. I only went so i could keep drinking. And i did. Some fag kept hitting on me, i wouldn't give any bitches money, i puked in the parking lot. And use my arrive alive card, and now i need to go pick up my card. Fucking christ i am drunk still. I don't remember all. But that is a good portion. Laterz

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The Go Big night of the year is approaching. Also known as the Marine Corps Ball. In years past, people have went through windows, marriage's have been tested, enlisted have grinded on officer's wife, learned to dance the hustle, found the breaker box for the elevator's, saved a tightrope walking drunko and fight's with the squadron gunny....not to mention projectile vomiting and being bounced and never allowed in hotels again.....Can't fucking wait.


Monday, November 12, 2007


Hey, here is the number to the Brookwood hotel in Murrells Inlet. Its walking distance from 3 bars and about a 2 minute drive from where the wedding will be at. Its not the greatest hotel but it has good prices.
here is the number
(843) 651-2550

Because i am not playing warcraft

I figured i would say what's up... And is anyone else typing on this mo frigga. Ahh, if they aren't, i will just keep the sober ramblings of a drunk mexican going. How about Peyton Manning choking like we know he loves to. That's the colts i love to see crumbling after a few bad plays because Peyton is wondering how that affects his rating....fucking skunt.

Get to posting

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Going Big in Vegas is like saying you like to have a beer at the game. It's a given, and the worse part is, everyone is going big. Everyone of these people there are commiting all of the seven deadly sins....and then gambling on top of it. But i will say it was an awesome time. A few things we learned... 1)military discount is the SHIT..Vegas loves us... 2) don't steal ice, unless you want one of the Sopranos booting you out of a club... 3) Two new words that need to be added to the dictionary 1] WhorePaint: Exessive amount of makeup, usually used to cover up the true disgustingness of a persons appearance, and will almost always have blue eyeshadow to distract from less desirable areas i.e. snaggle teeth, Car gut. 2] Flagros: (pronounced Flay-Grows) Only in vegas i think this word applies because it appears the Gay Negros congregate there at an alarming rate. 4) Stomp is almost the best live show you can ever see in your life....only topped by Cirque De Soleil's show Ka, The stage could rotate in every direction, XYZ axis did not apply to this thing, it would completely invert on itself, then rotate again. If you are having trouble visualizing this...(julie red, i mean you), take a book... and any way you can think of turning it. The stage could do it.

Only thing i can say, is we need to hit this place in force, Las Vegas not only accepts go big applicants.. but demands it.

Friday, November 2, 2007

This Weekned

Sup you basterds

Lets call them...
#4 Arizona State Vs #5 Oregon = who wins????
Pats Vs Colts=??

I'm thinking Oregon by 14 and the Pats by 6

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I am no longer a godless heathen. Thats right, I've found some of that good old fashioned religion. It comes in the form of...Raptor Jesus.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fire This Fucker

Tony Kornheiser from Monday Night Football. Someone please shoot this man in the face. Its not enough that he's even worse Than Dennis Millier was, and Miller knows nothing about sports. Kornholer has to try to be funny, and fails miserably. He looks like a back alley hobo who just finished his third bottle of 6 dollar vodka, and speaks like "that guy" at parties, the one you want to smash a chair over.
As if all that werent enough, every time the names Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or especially Brett Favre are mentioned, his eyes light up like an anime J-Pop fanboy, and suddenly he can't fit enough dick in his mouth.
The only thing sparing the mute button a thorough smashing is that Jaws and Mike Tirico have somehow tuned this guy out, and totally ignore his amateur attempts at humor. Please MNF, anyone would be better than Kornholer. Its time for a Suzy Kolber promotion to the booth; at least she has some credibility and reasoning for wanting to suck QB's dicks.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tragedy? or....

So southern California is burning to the ground. Thats too bad. I cant help but think that the people from New Orleans are having a little fun with this. The same people who wore a bracelet for a few weeks instead of donating Katrina relief money are now homeless. I'm even laughing at the ones who did maybe shell out 5 or 10 bucks, because did any of that cash make it there anyway? I just have one thing to say to you Malibu: BUY ANOTHER ONE YOU RICH MOTHAFUCKA.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Well we are back

Everyone knows that we are back and not partying as hard as my fuzzy memory tells me we did. All i know is, i am cut the hell up, my body is one continuos bruise, rocky spilled jack and coke all over my room, i forgot how orange piss could be, my standards are non existent, vin is still ridiculously angry, I saw negro moses on the bull, kaiser can out drink me with beer, the cubans afro is like our old sgt major, black white and grey, Gerber hasn't spilt his beer......yet and through it all i still haven't learned the proper use of the semi-colon and comma. There will be more, but for now that covers about everything,

Better dead than red

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Nightowls

Joker and Jib have received meritorious commission into the Nightowl Ministry.
dot dot dot


20 Reasons why I hate everything....

Thanks to the fuckin Marine Corps and courtesy of TQ, Iraq I have been absent for the past 3months... you would think that after 5 GODDAMN YEARS the internet situation in that SHITHOLE country would gradually get better but NO that couldn't possibly be further from the case. They labeled this site as malicious and then some other bullshit.... alright! I'm getting to the fuckin point and that is I am back and angrier than ever! I would give you twenty reasons why I hate everything but I don't feel like it and you bitches already know why. Have a nice fuckin day!

Monday, October 15, 2007

A Tragedy

So as the Nightowls approached after yet another long trip from the land of mcmap and bus rides, one Night Owl (fez) had a broken heart……
The first words out of his mouth to me were….

Where is Kaiser?

See you homo’s are meant for each other! Let the drinking begin

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Seattle supports katrina victims

New Orleans has had it rough since hurricane katrina. Thats why the Seahawks decided to do some charity work tonight, when they "played" against the Saints. The saints had only 1 sack coming into tonights game, so seattle decided to let them have 5. They also only had 51 points in four games, so the seahawks decided it was best to let them run up the score in the first half. Shaun Alexander's wrist hurt too much for him to move his legs, so he took the night off, even though he was dressed for the game and was in for several offensive plays. From now on I will be refering to the seahawks coach as Adolf Holmgren, since he and Hitler have a lot in common. They both consider themselves geniuses, and both become enraged by their subordinates not being able to execute their completely ludicrus attack plans. Anyway, it was a great day for goodwill as the Seahawks provided an uplifting service to the downtrodden New Orleans Katrina victims. Keep up the good work, you fucking cocksuckers.

Chins Namath Junior

Here he is ladies and gentlemen, the first Nightowl offspring to be brought into the world. Brady Witherspoon, 8 lb. 6 oz. of whiskey and bud light was born the other day, and now is ready to wreak havok upon the daycare community, build up his tolerance, and eventually take his father's place among the Nightowls. If he's anything like Spoon, its a good thing hes got diapers.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Gerber and Ira

Okay you too, your emails have been sitting in my box for too long. I finally remembered to invite you bastards, and now you should have posting priviledges here. Make your google acount using your email address, and use your callsign as your posting name. If you cant figure it out, get a fellow Nightowl to help you. Also Jollyred & Cuban, the name Luvgun sucks, try to come up with a better one that fits her.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Count down to liver D-day

Well i have been sober for way to long.... or not long enough. Who really knows, one thing is for sure that no one is ready for Dr. Gonzo.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A preview of whats to come

Oh yes...its getting close for that time again

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Steroids For Jed

Another sport has come up positive for "banned substances" this week. No, its not finally basketball or hockey, its bullriding. I have no idea why a bullrider would need to bulk up, It seems to me that it would be more fun to juice up the animals and watch them stomp the shit out of those god damn humans on their backs. If anyone should be on steroids in that sport its the dumb bastards who get to distract the bull after it throws billy joe clampett off of him and decides he needs a horn up his ass. Rodeo clowns should most certainly be allowed to gain any advantage they want. They arent part of the competition, and they probably dont need functional testicles anyway.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

DoomsDay Sat

So their I was pissed that Mia just barley beat Duke (24-14), but holy crap! 5 of the top 10 lost! And even better the Gators lost! Kaiser I was really pulling for your guys, they should have had that game!
Yesterdays games only proves that college ball is so much more exciting!
Go Canes!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

some bullshit.

So since deyoung is so angry, i figured i should be happy, cuz Nightowls, tonight we dine... In Al ASAD.....Damn that still sucks, but we get the fuck out of here in 3 weeks. Mongo, are you going to need anything?


Well where do I start? Hmmmm I think I will start by saying that I have a ton of shit to get off of my chest. I think I will start with saying Fuck. Cause I’m going to use that word more than is, a, and the by the time I’m done rambling. Let’s start with the fucking Dutch. That’s right you pot eating brownie fucks. Fuck you. These fucking Europeans ass clowns stand so fucking close to me when in line at the mess. I mean C’mon back the fuck up before I fucking murder you. I guess personal space in Europe isn’t as important as it is to me. I have a problem if people fucking look at me wrong and these jackass’ stand so close I can feel them breathing on my neck. If you were raped as a child like Maj Scott you would have a real bad flashback. Get the fuck away from me you smelly none deodorant wearing mother European mother fucker. What’s next? Oh the Dutch did I tell you I hate them. I think the Nazis really fucked that whole region of the world up. I think that all of the Europeans that had a pair of testis got killed in WWII and the good ones could never pass on any good genes. I mean look at them. Especially the French. Fucking beret wearing fagots. Fuck you. What else. Oh and where the fuck are all of the Nightowls? Huh? Why the fuck isn’t anybody posting. Fuck.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


This is Tooga, the first pet that is entirely mine.
I doubt he'll be going big though.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Picture from Friday night.

New Prospect

My friend Debbie (Deb for short) Needs to be our newest prospect. Why you may ask, well after 5 Martini's and a double shot of tequila, me and her managed to stumble into this nice bar tucked away in the downtown part of Newbern. Where she continued to pound beer and about 5 more tequila shots while i just sat their in Awh. I have never in my life seen a woman drink that much and still be coherent throughout the night with the occasional outburst. When the bulk of the Nightowls return you can count on a party where she will boldly earn her right as a Uncommissioned Prospect.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2 1/2 hours of WHAT THE FUCK

If you ever have to make the choice of either watching the movie "Babel" or lobotomizing yourself with a screwgun, choose the screwgun, you'll save yourself a lot of pain.

Brad Pitt and his wife are in Morocco, a run down 3rd world country in africa. Why? Well, you never really know. They might be tourists, volunteers for...something, or whatever. The point is, theyre in Morocco. and while theyre on a bus, the wife gets shot by some kids who are playing with their dad's new hunting rifle.

Sub Plot:
There is a deaf girl in Japan who cant get laid, so she exposes herself to guys at restaurants, and again to more guys at a park. They give her and her friend whiskey and X, and they go partying all night. The guy chooses to go nail her friend, so she gets depressed and calls the cops on her dad....

Sub Plot 2:
Brad Pitt's kids have a mexican nanny, who cant get someone else to look after them the day of her son's wedding. So why not take them to Mexico with her! The mexicans have a great time getting fucked up and shooting pistols into the sky, and were even nice enough to provide the nanny with a drunk driver to take her and the kids home. then they run from the cops.

So how the fuck does this all tie together? The kids were only in it because they belonged to Brad Pitt and his wife. nothing else had anything to do with the parents part in the movie.
And what in the hell could a sexually frustrated japanese raver have to do with them? Absolutely nothing. In the last 5 minutes, a cop comes to ask her dad some questions about a rifle that was used to shoot an american in Morocco. He says, "yeah I gave that rifle to a guy over there". The cop says "Ok".

The End.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Appalachian State, not even a division 1A team, has just taken a huge sloppy dump on #5 Michigan's chest. IN Ann Arbor.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Extreme Odium

That’s right folks! Odium! I’m gonna use a couple of big words in this post in tribute to Turtle; who has been up here a couple of weeks. SO here we go…..
Let me commence by revealing to you all that everything is still horribly appalling here. Paris (A.K.A Time Vampire) does not seem to be slowing down with his unremitting attacks on everyone who is doing something erroneous! (Yea that’s EVERYONE). I am repentant for not dropping any more postings since July, you all have no idea how ghastly things have become out here. Wow those were some high speed words I used…I’m spent…….who said Cuba doesn’t have a good education system! And why do people insist on using words like that anyway? Do should just approach the person they are trying to speak too and say,”Yeah I’m way smarter than you!”, “Now go cut my lawn!”
On a good note…Meso the Parrot (uncanny ability to repeat any words within 300yards) will be departing in a couple of days….So Fez and Vin you have that to look forward too…
I just realized that this whole posting was so negative…..Wow Vin I guess you are right…it great being an asshole

This weeks Safety message: It is never a good idea to have a gasoline fight.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Year's

I saw some post from mongo earlier saying that he would be back for New Year's, this year, myself and the angry negro were thinking about going to Miami, just seeing what's happening,

and by the way the period key doesn't fucking work on this overused, creaky ass piece of fucking garabarge key board, i am tempted to break it against the computer monitor,

fuck it, comma, the new period,

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have a dream

So this is what happened, I go to bed, no big deal. I sleep for a while.... and then bam it hits me, sex with a midget, not the real thing mind you,just a wild ass dream. And I am not talking you average misshapen forehead midget, but this was a sexy little thing. By the way dude the correct nomenclature is little person, but I do hate saying it, so Iwill start saying midgy. I like midgy, it has a certain ring to it. Anyway back to the topic at hand, this was the weirdest thing ever. I railed the shit out of the little person. Which is peculiar because I am deathly afraid of midgets, or was until I got to pondering, am I afraid of the midgies, or their creepy sausage fingers. After a brief contemplation, I now understand, I wasn't scared of the midgies, just their freakish hands. So now it is a goal for me to have sex with a midgy. Just looking for another check in the box.

Speaking of checks in the blocks, how about a chick with no arms AND no legs. I am not talking just a torso, hell she could have some nubs. Could I indeed go through with it, and if so could I keep a straightface. These are the questions that plague me. I believe indeed I could,and no matter how chubby she is, she has to be pretty damn light.

I do have to go with a sober no with a bearded chick followed with a drunk maybe. If she had a really hot body, I might be able to focus on that,but it would be tough, there would be no kissing at all(and I justshivered at the thought of kissing a chick with a beard).

Now this last one I have thought long and hard about; Siamese twins... I mean it is a given, especially if they are hot. They can't be freakishly deformed, I am talking like maybe some connection in the stomach area, like if they shared a spleen I would be alright with that. Of course you would have to bang the sister, and I don't think they would be that mad, cuz if you can share a kidney, you can share some cock. Plus I am a big guy, there is plenty to go around.

So nightowls, I pose this question to you, what is the weirdest you would or wouldn't, how far is to far.

This message brought to you by the church of jesus Christ of latter daysaints.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I did not say I wanted the Hurricanes to win the super bowl! Take that shit off!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Attention NightOwls

I found out that NAVAIR is planning this group deal on Carolina Hurricanes tickets. The deal is this: When you buy tickets ($40) for the 10/5/07 vs. Pittsburgh game you get one preseason game free (either 9/21 vs Nashville or 9/28 vs. Columbus) your choice. If anyone is interested let me know.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Dirka Dirka Muhammad Jihad

Sorry you Fuckers…. I’m still here I’ve been preparing and have been in Afghanistan for about three weeks now. Fez I just wanted to thank you for making me feel real good about myself. During any of our stays in the shit hole know as Iraq we all thought that we had seen the end of the line. Well, you haven’t been here. I think when god created the earth he took a giant shit and it is now know as Afghanistan. The people are fighting over it like flies on a piece of dogshit. At least there is something to fight over in Iraq like natural resources hence the fucking reason why we are there. These fuckers main source of income is from selling and harvesting opium for the Russian Mafia. They have nothing here unless you are on the rare occasion on the market looking for an opium smoking Taliban. I’m here and i'm not even flying I’m doing maintenance on other peoples aircraft and we fly for a consumer that quote “isn’t really there” but really they are so I’m not even allowed to fly it or know where they are. Hopefully I’ll see you fuckers around new years when oi get back. Peace you trifflin bitches

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Forget Black Coaches, Fix Yourselves

One of the big stories that came from the NFL last year was that 2 black coaches squared off in the superbowl. Tony Dungy, a devout christian and tragedy stricken family man, and Lovie Smith, a quiet, focused man who cannot bring himself to curse. Obviously They are two great role models for young black children, whether they aspire to be involved in the league or not. The problem is, nobody is paying attention. Why would you want to be Lovie Smith when you could be Michael Vick, or Terrell Owens? More and more there are young talents entering the league without a complete education, or sometimes with barely any. When you see Owens with giant diamonds in his ears, or Joey Porter with more gold around his neck than Cortez stole from the Aztecs, its not hard to see what they were influenced by as kids. They grow up being told by rappers that money is all that matters, bypassing morality and companionship from "bitches". The worse off you were when you grew up, the more you can flaunt your shitty upbringing and look tough when you get the chance. So now in full circle, This generations youths will want to be like the players they see grandstanding after miniscule accomplishments. The kick returner who rips off his chinstraps after a return to the 40 yard line, pounding his chest and barking at the other team's sideline...while his team is down 20 points. Or how about Vick? A sickening example of the Rick James quote about giving certain people money.
A Good portion of them claim that the team is what matter most, while they happily take huge contracts from basement teams to leave behind the franchise they just won a super bowl with. Sound familiar Antwon Randle El? No longer do kids pretend to be Jerry Rice or Terrell Davis when they line up for flag football games. Now they want to be Deion Sanders, and strut around the field like a combination of 50 Cent and Shannon Sharpe. By the time those kids make it to the NFL, there may be NFL sections in music stores for players to flame each other on their Gangsta CD's, and the Glock will be an official sponsor of the Cincinnati Bengals. Forget about teaching kids values by trumpeting the greatness of black coaches. How about using a vehicle they care about to get the message across. Maybe if players like Terrell Owens could stop whining everytime they or a teammate drops the ball, or Chad Johnson hands the ball to the ref after a great touchdown play, kids and future players would be a little bit less fucked up on their priorities.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Everyone die?

What has happened? We need the valuable drunk posts of kaiser, angry rants of Vin, the confused replies of Jolly and the occasionall scumbaggery of Mongo. We need to start posting and going big. Kaiser, are you going to be around when we get back, or are you waiting for the jolly cuban wedding? My go big stats have stagnated like Yufits dirty diapers. We need to start making plans, we are in the two month count down till madness.

Patiently waiting for the world to cease spinning

Friday, August 10, 2007

Indianapolis at Dallas

I posted this yesterday but apparently something went wrong with it.
Ok so I gave in…I am making a post.
I don’t know about everyone else but I am about tired of nothing being on the TV. Well today might be a change for once. As you should know I don’t have cable, so anything interesting on the TV would be a nice change. Tonight the Indianapolis at Dallas game will be my salvation from wheel of fortune and Jeopardy. Pathetic…I know.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


It has started. The Saints are playing the Steelers as I type, and that means one thing: Make a pick! Super Bowl picks by Nightowls that will be set to the side. The closest to the actual winner will recieve a free customized Nightowls Jersey at the end of the season.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Internet cafe and the advice guy

Well, just to start off, the internet being down for 2 weeks is a welcome suprise. I like not being able to keep in touch with everyone. And the occasional river city, only 3 times a day, never get on my nerves.

But seriously, i would like to rant about the assfuck that i want to choke. This person is in every gym you go to. The guy who has to tell you about how your doing your exercise wrong. I call him adviceguy. I would love to throw a 25lb dumbell through his fucking teeth. I don't give a fuck how many times he has janked his crank to arnold's books, i don't want some sweaty dude telling how to work out correctly, that's what pain is for. If it hurts real bad, i am doing it wrong. God already put that sensor in. So before you decide to be this guy in the gym, think about how much you hate the advice guy, and keep your mouth shut.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A new post

This is a new post, so read it. It talks about new things that happened recently. If you dont read this post you will be out of the loop and when people at work talk about it, you wont be in on the laughter and/or discussion. You might even want to make a comment of the post, and check back later to see if someone responded to that comment. Then the comments may go off-topic and talk about something else, and you can make a new comment to comment about that comment.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Would you rather be doing this?

For you guys in Iraq, If you think it sucks there, just think. If you were home, this is a computer simulation of what would be happening.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Any takers?
Hotel cost around $179 for one night. Registration fee is $50. Kaiser your flight will cost you about $556. You can’t tell me that you already burned all your EAS money on beer. All you need to do is pay for the flight I’ll pick you up and cover the hotel. Mo how about you? If no one wants to go I won’t go, so someone man up and go to this thing with me!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Watch Out!

Here it is! TV (Time+Vampire), so if you see that dreaded TV approaching make sure the appropriate hand signals are displayed to alert fellow nightowls of impending danger!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Yes that is a common phrase used out here by Gunny, otherwise known as Mishap Gunny or J.T. He has a profound hatred for the J.T. nick name. Talking about nick names, I have a new one for our illustrious leader…TV! For Time Vampire, because once he calls your name out you get sucked in and before you know it 3hours have passed and its night time outside. I’m sure that nick can be used to many individuals that we know. Oh yeah BigBear a.ka shrek (orr) has come up with a hand gesture movement that quickly identifies that the TV is approaching…if I get some time I will add pics depicting this…Other than that I am desperately awaiting for the magical three letters to approach, so jolly and I can escape and become hippies……um yeah maybe just here on that.
Alright I’m done with my senseless rant…
Oh yeah once you think life could not get any more miserable out here……meso arrives here

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Blown Chance

Kaiser, Looks like we blew our chance at drinking together. I'm leaving this Friday now. However, if we would have dabbled in that stuff it would have been on hell of a time. Oh well we will all have to do something when we are all in the US again. I'm thinking somewhere warm in Jan.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nightowls Fantasy Foosball

like wolfy did last year, i started a league in the yahoo fantasy football section. you MFers are going to join it. I want each Nightowl if possible, and when thats done, you can invite a few others as well. the league ID# is 164366, and the password is Fez's first name.

5 years from now

Using DNA estimation technology, this is an accurate portrayal of what Mine and the Lazo kids will be doing in 5 years.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Stat Milestone

Based on a phone call I recieved earlier, I can pretty much guarantee that tonight, Jolly Red will be eclpsing the 100 hour mark. She only needs 2, but the way it sounded, she'd already got there. Update tommorow.

I Meant Bremerton

Kent WA, on the conquests list was a typo. The day after the 4th party which destroyed my Seahawks jersey, my knee, and somewhere between 5-7 cases of beer, myself and several alcoholic savages I call "my family" invaded the Junior Cadillac concert being held at the ferry dock. The picture is of my aunt and uncle, and in between them, a kick ass old broad who just didnt give a fuck. As you can see, most of the other patrons of the party sat on their asses and spent the night staring and laughing at us, some of them probably wishing they had snuck in their own bottles of booze. After the concert was over, and my lush of an aunt was finished hitting on the band, we gathered more friends for the grand finale back at the house. the rest of the night is a blur, but there were shots, chugs, bleeding head gashes, and driveway fornication (not for me though). 9 hours clocked in.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Last post from a country with Alcohol Purchasing stations

Yo, this is probably my last post before joining the rest of you in prison. I have to say that my GO BIG rating while here at Cherry Point was below was Jolly Red's, CRANK's and Taz's. We all had our moments but that was it..MOMENTS. We were actually here for the summer and didn't take full advantage...That makes us border line SCIP SCAPS( some of us are possessing more qualities of a SCIP SCAP than a Nightowl). Go ahead and get offended ( I don't give a fuck) this is where we can call each other out as friends so suck it the fuck up)LOL. Its all good. I think we still have dormant Nightowls on the commission board that may have take a look at when we get back captains..Honestly I am not even looking for anymore Prospects because there is no one else I trust.....Ok Ok Jolly don't read the next paragraph.

Since Cubano didn't answer my question he is now at our mercy. We need to plan a bachelor party for him and not drinking at his house and passing out. Something to remember.

See you bitches in Iraq.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

discussion topic

Morning Wood. For those of you who don't know what this is, I am speaking to the non poster Morris(that's right christine, you are a woman until you start posting again) and the ever clueless jolly red. It is when you wake up with a raging boner. I am not talking about a flacid your underwear can hold it back boner, but a true seam ripping, vein popping life threatning woody. Well everyday i have one when i wake up, not so bad at home when i can go pee than take care of it real quick. I have to wake up at 4 in the afternoon and walk around with a fucking tall and proud i wanna spit at you angry stiffy. Just thought you would like to know how my days usually go. Fighting for your freedom and the goo goblin.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Little K

Just in case any of you were wondering here is a picture of my daughter,

Emaly Elizabeth Karaffa (EEK).

life after USMC

After the Marine Corps Some of use did UAV related things while others worked construction and others just smoke weed in Jamaica. Yufit will break new ground when he returns to Mass and becomes the first gay star in the TV series Little People Big Gay World. Good luck little buddy i hope your ass doesnt hurt too bad after season 1.

WTF Kaiser?

Ok, so now you don't want to respond to any of my emails or phone calls. Kaiser come on now tell us about this “chick”. What is this ring you speak of?

Monday, July 2, 2007


Hey whats up sorry deleted the first email on accident.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sex symbol? bullshit.

Natalie Gulbis, a pro womens golfer, is being called a sex symbol now. Her prime feature, im guessing is that she looks kind of decent compared to the other bull dykes in the LPGA. You can judge for yourself. looks like shes got a huge head, she could be Gerber's sister. The dude does not abide.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Scip Scapidido dap, Woda Woca

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whos dick was so long he could suck it
he did, and it was fucking disgusting.

Special K

you have to accept the email to start posting. Is someone going to help him with this?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Our Hero Pays A Visit...

After helping monitor the most horrific PFT ever seen. I walk into the S-3 office with Animal to find GUNNAMATNA (Top Matney) sitting at the desk checking his email... It made my day. That is all. Sorry you missed it Kaiser.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Check this out

If any one in interested in the UAV expo beginning on August 6, let me know.
here is the link:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Coming Soon.....

Hold on to your Maddog bottles. Something great is on the way....

Those Crazy Bastards

looks like the watch hogs have decided they need a blog too, check it out

Friday, June 22, 2007

Coffee Wench

OK, so I was recently was told that when I say "coffee" I sat it with a Jersey accent. The only person that I know from New Jersey is Wooly. The only way I could have picked his accent was if I spent a large amount of time with him. Which I did not, the only time I've spent with Wooly was when I was bringing him his coffee in OIF 2. God damit! I never asked to be coffee wench.
Dam you Wooly.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

proposed nightowl song this is my proposal for an official song let me know what you think

Q & A

Well it looks like I might be repeating myself this weekend with another bottle of MD. It has only been two days since we hit the mark of 3000 and we are more than an 1/8 of the way to 4000. To awnser your qeustion MO I will not be joining any of you in iraq this year. Instead i will be going to another shithole where people hate me because I dont share their religion. I'm Sorry that i won't be ableto join the nightowl culmanation in Nov for a wonderful event but I won't be in the country. One thing is funny that I recently thought about was i have been or stopped at least in 10 countries and not once was it for my personal enjoyment. WTF

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Death Day

Am i the only one who didnt know Mitch Hedberg died 2 years ago? Fuck.

Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm here damnit

OMG, Jolly you knew I was going to Ohio for a wedding. Speaking of the wedding, I showed them all what going big is. I was drinking before the wedding even started, two jaeger bombs and a beer on the 5min limo ride to the reception hall. I was one of the last ones to leave the reception hall. Almost made them loose their liquor license for making my own jaeger bombs at the head table (the lady working there was pissed). We did finish off 3 kegs, for that I am proud of putting quite a large dent in. I don't know how many people I pissed off, but apparently I almost dumped red bull all over some girl, but instead of dumping it on her, I poured it into my hands then wiped it on her. (I don't remember this). Anyway's I have not been captured you scip-scaps.


First of all, I’m glad to hear that Kasier is still alive….I’m sure your entire chest cavity resembles a dark cave full of alcohol! Congrats on Crosby winning the MVP (youngest since Gretz at that), hopefully Pittsburg doesn’t shit it away!
Mongo what’s the deal? Are you going on ship or to the desert, I hear we got two guys from Insitu land coming over here…
Vin, sorry to hear your coming out..oh well…at least you can get some extra cash right..
Things here at the “Hub” have been alright, I’m sure most of you heard about the recent promotion of was quite comical. Other than that it has been ground hog day here every freaking day..Good thing it’s my last trip!
In regards to the 24th of November, I have called off the wedding……
okay jk…jolly calm Actually what I wanted to remind you all, was that since thanksgiving is on the 22nd, I can foresee it being an issue with some of you. If so just give me a shout out and it will be cool. Well that’s it, I’m with Fez on the fact it’s a royal pita to get into the blog thru the nipr…but I’m glad to hear you’re all alive and bitching! See you all later

Go Big?

The next person that ASKS if the events they were involved in constitutes GOING BIG is getting their stats set back to ZERO. If you don't know by now what Going Big means you haven't been reading your fucking NIGHTOPS and you are pissing the Captains off. This isn't the first post relating to this issue. STOP DOING IT ASSHOLES! (Senior Nightowls at that).

Our Beloved Title Box...

Kasier, I know you are trying out new things but the box above looks like you consulted the "What would Banjo do" syllabus......bottom line that shit looks a hot mess. CHANGE IT!


Has anyone herd from Crank in a while? Vin I think you and I need to head up a search for his ass before you leave. I'm thinking he has been captured by one of my kind. Crank if your reading this give us a call we gotta plan a Go Big for Vin before he leaves!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

damn it all

I sorry if i don't post anymore, but it is to ridiculous to try to make it to the internet all the time. Plus there is some annoying motherfucker who i want to kill right by me. Talking about how he is second on someones friends list. Shut your mouth. Just shut your goddamn mouth. Holy shit shut the fuck up. I hope your children are born with an arm in there forhead. You fuck.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Any new stats to record? Vin, the last i have from you is from new orleans. Jolly? Crank? Taz?

Friday, June 15, 2007

This was actually online!

Recent survey finds that 61% of respondents consider themselves night owls. "Who" are America's real night owls? Sixty-one percent of Americans, or approximately 6 in 10, consider themselves night owls, according to an online survey conducted in late June 2005 by Night Owl Wines. 31% of those polled are night owls every night and an additional 29 percent are night owls only on the weekend. The survey of 628 respondents finds most Americans lead active social lives in the evening. Of the people who identified themselves as night owls, 25 percent are adults ages 25-35. Survey results indicate men and women have nearly equal night owl habits, with 61 percent of women and 59 percent of men identifying themselves as night owls. "The survey shows that night owls have active lives that begin as soon as the sun sets," said Kimberly Markert, manager for Night Owl. What do night owls do during their nocturnal hours? Thirty-two percent hang out with friends at night.
Who is this Kinberly? Where do we find her?

Thursday, June 14, 2007


In honor of this historic moment(having 3000 site hits) i will drink a bottle of the finest Orange Jubilee a nightowl can find. If any of you are able you should follow suite.

Link List

If anyone makes a new site, wants to add a favorite, or just wants a relevant page linked, i'll stick it up here, right under the hate mail addy. LGT is my new one.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were two of the most famous and infamous bank robbers to ever roam the earth in the 1930’s. They were eventually hunted down and shot to death with over a 130 rounds. Was this justice? Well according to the US government it is. Am I allowed to do the same thing back? I wrote that to tell you this, earlier this week I received my first check which was supposed to be around $4700 but I only received 3000 due to the government fucking raping me with taxes. This is only a $1000 more than what the USMC was paying me, but at least after they ripped my ass to pieces they gave my bloody and swollen ass a bed to sleep in. I’m about to go more berserk than a gay Asian from Virginia Tech. Who agrees with me?

Counterfire Dead

Well, since most of the people i recruited either left or declined the invite to write for counterfire(and one who had to be kicked out), the only ones left were Nightowl members. since we already have Gunnamatna, I see no point in keeping counterfire going.

PS: Slake is a faggot, and I'm making a new sports blog. It will focus on flaming the worst teams in sports, worst players, worst coaches, worst fans, you get the idea.

Hurt the one you fuck

If i was going to choke, slap, or inflict pain in any other way to a person, I'd like it to be someone I DONT like. If there are any females out there who read this, please take the time to explain this shit!


What ever happened to the myspace page for rocky? you know the one that was supposed to be pimping him out over the internet to get him laid? i want to see it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Days of '49: June 10-15 - Greybull, WY

Okay, if ANYONE was actually serious about going to Wyoming to conquer, this is the time to do it (if youre ever home for this time of year). Usually the main bar here will have 4-10 people on a good night. saturday, there was at least 3 times more people than actually live here, in and around the bar. Just for an estimate, take church street at new years and space it out a couple more blocks. Going Big was had by an entire county's worth of 16-60 year olds, who partied like it was the one day of the year that prohibition is repealed. Iv'e never seen so many old people going nuts. One guy was drinking a whiskey sour while breathing through his oxygen cart. Liekwise, If you plan on annexing Seattle into the Nightowl territories in the future, the 4th of July is the time. I'll cover what happens there later on in the year.

Also, what kind of bullshit is happening in the desert castle? any KungFu? Crashes? Need any mail?

Sunday, June 10, 2007 if you thought that tyson was funny watch what happens to these spiders when given different drugs. trust me you have to see this

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

just some b.s

Got done writing on the other blog so i thought i would do some thing where i can say ridicolous shit. Sasquatwats, that's right, it just rolls of the tounge. I like adding the fuck to any noun to describe a person. such as fuckstick, fucknut, fucktard, fuckler or even a lickfuck. That is right i love to swear. i am a crude person who thinks ghost farting is still hilarious.

And fuck you for judging me you shitslapping, ass jammin skuntfucks.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paris "DUI" Hilton

Its not enough that America makes a fool of itself with foreign relations (ie the European missle shield proposal which has enraged Russia...very rightfully so and the Barnum and Bailey Circus known as Iraq and we still continue to butt our noses into everyone else's buisness) but now are literally embarassing ourselves on a domestic level on the international stage. From massive coverage of the infamous whore known as Anna Nicole to slapping the wrist of DUI Hilton for continuously endagering the lives of Los Angelites by driving drunk all over town and clearly not giving a damn because she is rich and sending that same message to the rest of America that the justice system works for the rich ( when it is exactly the opposite) but its not working when you aren't punished for breaking the law no matter what your social stature is( regular HARDWORKING americans don't tend to always see it that way). We continue to disregard the escalating murder rates in our cities such as Philadelphia which had over 400 homicides last year and is well on the way to shattering that record and I can assure you that they were not related terroism. Do you think the citizens of West Philly give a damn about Al Qaeda blowing up Lincoln Financial Field when they could get shot for walking out the front door everyday. My question is this what good are we doing "protecting the country" over in Iraq and Afghanistan when we can't protect the citizens of Philadelphia here in the US of A. No disrespect to my fellow Marines that have died in the name of terrorism but how about showing more respect to the police officers who risk their lives TRYING to keep this country SAFE! ( with little help from the federal gov't). I retract my previous statement, Philly and other cities all over this country deal with terrorists everyday. They're called GANGS. Where does that fall in HOMELAND SECURITY?! Under my ass, thats where. How soon we forget.

Canada Sucks Again

It must really be painful for canadians to have the last three Stanley Cup champions be from california, north carolina, and florida, all beating canadian teams no less. out of place hockey winning over canada's over inflated sense of superiority just makes this so much greater to me. sure, MY team didnt win, but to stuff another hot coal up the canucks' pretentious self centered asses is almost as satisfying now that the sting of the Penguins losing has worn off. To have a 13 year old expansion team that was named after a disney movie kick the capital of snowland in the nuts has to make their best loved loudmouth asshole Don Cherry want to shit blood until next season. The last time a canadian team won it all was the year before Anaheim even had a team. I guess what im trying to say is...fuck canada and every french speaking sphincter faced faggot that thinks hockey is better there just because they get to slide their ass around on frozen water 10 months of the year.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I've started up a new blogsite, called "Counterfire", which is based on local and international politics. the address is Aside from myself, covering the Presidential campaigns, I'm in the process of trying to contact an old friend to post about religious subjects, and looking to recruit someone for addition, I'd like Jollyred to take on the environment stuff like global warming and rainforest destruction, you know, hippy stuff. Also, if Cuban-B would like to cover the Iraq, Iran, and Russian threat category, I think we'd have a pretty damn good crew on board for this thing. I'll be advertising Counterfire across the internet any way I can, so hopefully there will be a good reader base for it. If you two are interested, leave a comment and i'll drop the invite.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Hows that Scan Eagle?

Just a hunch, but i'll take a guess that ScanEagles have fallen out of the sky pretty frequently. so, in a celebration of supply and demand, heres a visual reference for determining the value of boeing's favorite UAV.

Friday, June 1, 2007

I used to think that Mike Tyson was a lunatic after watching a bunch of his interviews I realized i was wrong. The man is a lingual genius not to mention a philosipher on life just watch this video. you'll see Peace. Mongo

Stupid, Stupid Mike Vick

WTF are you doing Vick? dont you know that all an NFL player has to do is admit they were wrong, and apologize to get off with a slap on the wrist? Denying shit that you obviously were involved in only makes it sweeter for these whistle blowers to bust you.

So Vick bred a bunch of dogs to have fights to the death on his property. Then he got caught. what does he do? He certainly didnt be a man and own up to what he did. Instead, he shows his pink belly and incriminates his family members, placing the blame wholly on them for things that happened at HIS house. So you have a dog breeding liscense you say? well guess what, normal dogs that are taken care of properly dont try to rip eachothers throats out. How could you expect your "family" to not narc your ass out after you made it clear you didnt care what happened to them, so long as you got away clean?

Mike Vick needs a friend now people. someone get him a puppy...wait, no, dont do that.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

White trash and Ghetto infested BALTIMORE!

Yeah, the angry, devious yet fun loving black man is back with a story to tell. First I gotta give a shot out my boy MONGO. Welcome back bro. Second, Cuban calm the fuck down you know damn well we are all coming and are honored to be apart of the 1st ever Ministry wedding. Third, Kaiser is a fuckin genius. This page is awesome. Ok, now for the story.

In my adventures through the Mid-Atlantic states a couple of old friends relay info that there would be a FREE Papa Roach concert in Baltimore at a place known as Power Plant live a fine collection of bars and clubs that rival any other in the US of A. Heavy consumption was the goal of the night and that goal was completed with no interference. We enjoyed the concert, the "scenery" and the expensive fuckin drinks and proceeded to stumble and stagger to the car 3blocks away to beat the rest of the drunks out of the city before checkpoints and horrific gridlock sprung up. But not before some " Glen Burnie Fat Bitch Drama". Glen Burnie= a city in MD that no one wants to admit they are from but you can pick their pale, cavilier, civic or neon driving fat sloppy, krimped hair, country sounding crack whore looking ass out in any crowd. On our way to the car we stumble across some ass clown that couldn't handle his likaz and passed out by a parking meter cluthcing a McDonalds bag......Can't resist....Out comes the camera and a couple of dollars...harmless pic op. WRONG! Out of nowhere emerges this war elephant with all the characteristics I just named plus some. It demands we leave and not take the picture..we tell her to stand down and take her fuckin midol....that is whe the bitch lost her fuckin mind. The war elephant went on a rampage and threatened to destroy us all. We simply told her to go back to GLEN BURNIE and she inadvertently screamed that she was not from there( yet reaking clearly so). It continued to follow us taunting us until I gave in turned around and told her to stampede the other way making myself Ground Zero for the impending attack. I wash bum-rushed and slapped 5 FUCKIN TIMES IN THE FACE before i realized what was happening. That is when the beast had to be taken down. Grabbing one arm I tried to subdue raging whore but was then slapped with the other. I grabbed the other and Zambora tried to break free thus getting herself launched across the sidewalk onto the ground which resulted in one of her sandbag boobs popping out of her low cut moo-moo. She sprung back up as if asking for a genuine ass whooping. Fear reprisal I was dragged away but no reprisal was to be had. Funny enough her TRAINER AKA Boyfriend watched the whole thing and finally came to her rescue after the fact. He was smart enough to take her away with his mouth shut thus not getting his ass whooped although he could have prevented the whole thing. Obviously she had pissed him off earlier that night. The bad thing about it is I don't feel bad about launching her fat ass. I AM MAD BECAUSE THE WHORE MADE ME SOBER! Going big has been takin to a different level with inadvertent domestic abuse in clear view of the police who did nothing about it. Somebody put me down for 5 hrs of fun.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No Beer Left Behind

I need a vote from the captains here. No more half full beers at the end of a night. either drink them or dont open them. Ministry law?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fuckin Base police

Just so everyone knows, Fuck the base police!
They think its funny to watch the civilians turn around in circles in the grass because they lock the side gate. Even when they know that that is where everyone and their uncle leaves to get off the base. I get paid more then you mother fuckers get over it!

Not just for the Captaincy

I need to have email address's for Taz, Tatanka, Gerber, SpecialK, and Spoon. After i have them, i can add them to the posting roster and they can make their presences felt on Gunnamatna. It's been too long here without the entire Ministry being able to vent about bullshit. and someone in their proximity will need to show them how to set up the google account thing if they cant figger it out.

nonsensical facts about garbage

Well i watched pan's labrynth, it ended up being an good movie, Except for the fact no one told me it was all in spanish....what the fuck is that shit. How about putting that in the fucking previews. If i wanted to read for two hours i would take a shit and buy a newspaper. And as for all the Crouching tiger hidden bullshits, why don't you do back in the old days and have shitty voiceovers. At least i can laugh about that instead of watching abunch chinamen flying around and expecting me to stare at the bottom of the screen for what the gibberish might mean.

And speaking of gibberish, i am tired of all the beaner army people coming up to me and asking me if i know spanish. No for the millionth time i am a mexican't. I just can't and now i don't even want to learn. So thanks again pan's labrynth for making feel like a worthless piece of yufit.


Monday, May 28, 2007

A Coherent Ramble by a Madman

Well ladies and gentlemen it has been a long time since I have spoken with all of you. I would like to first state that I thank each and every one of you for defending this country, and I’m proud of you. After leaving you guys I went on to further my education at a wonderful community college. I discovered two things during this time. C’s get degrees, and cocaine is a hell of a drug. School work also interferes with drinking time. This was not and is not kosher. I also needed to leave my last job for health reasons. Not because I was sick but because my fellow workers who operated heavy machinery around my head were high on heroin or other wonderful narcotics, and would nod out from time to time and almost killed me twice. So I decided in Dec that I would try to apply my abilities in the UAV world once again. Long story short, I got a job with Insitu. 80% of the people that I now work with are more than qualified to own multiple pocket protectors. So like any moron in there wrong mind I drove from Jersey to my final destination of Oregon. 44 hours of straight driving. What a fucking nightmare. My ass hurt more than a twelve year old boy who spent a weekend with a Catholic Priest. During this massive amount of thinking time I decided that it was my responsibility to you to inform you on what states should be avoid. The most surprising state was either Iowa or fez I gotta give it to ya Wyoming. Yes at least they had good radio stations. Ohio and Indiana, avoid at all cost. Unless Jesus or country music is needed for your survival DON’T GO THROUGH THEM. Nebraska is just as bad, and it is just a big piece of shit. Idaho and Utah were OK nothing good nothing bad. Illinois at least has Chicago.


Hey Kaiser thanks for the re-invite, I was one of those that was unable to log on.
Now I finally log and see that Jolly Red made a post on room accommodation for our shing-ding on the 24th. Whats up?! No wants to go?? She got Zero responses (minus crank). I'd lke to think that it was because everyone is hard at work or unable to view the blog...I hope i'm right...for many reasons that I shouldn't have to explain.
If anyone doesn't want to go anymore send me a email and I will glady take you off the list.
Cuban B OUT!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kyle Grooms

Chances are you havent heard about this guy. Hes a stand up comic, and fits into a mold of a cross between dave chappelle and Mitch Hedberg. He's as progressive as Chappelle, with the cleverness of Hedberg and a little bit of Chris Rock thrown in (the clean parts). I'm betting that he'll end up big sometime soon. I'll be saying I told you so by the end of the year, and if not, I'll try to break Fez's MadDog record.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Posting Issues

Some of you have reported trouble posting, so ive deleted your accounts and invited you again. as soon as they come back up, i'll promote you again, hopefully that fixes the problem.

Also, the new Monarkos & Bwaaw has been delayed due to my excusion to the 'Oming. As soon as i get back I'll work on it, and try to pump them out on a more regular schedule.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Attn: All Nightowls

I need to know what type hotel, how many rooms, and how many nights every one is planning for Nov 24 Go Big celebration. I have a preferred hotel for around $50 a night and within walking distance of where the reception will be held at. If you want it I need to make reservations ASAP!

Kaiser Edits: Come on JR, you know better than to post your email address!

Monday, May 14, 2007

From Animal

Well, well, well. Now, as an outsider of the Nightowls, my post might lack some validity to the hardcore members, nonetheless, deserves notice. It appears that the mighty Capt Vin has made a terrible "faux paus" in his actions today. I do not know the extent of his previous nights adventures, but I do know that the good 'ol Capt thought it would be wise to venture to medical for "evaluation" this morning with the complaints of headache, throwing-up, general symptoms that would lead even the dumbest person to believe that he was suffering from a hangover, not to mention our crackpot group of medical experts...well, I guess that former versus the later would lead you to the stellar Navy Corpsman that support us. Anyway, I am not sure of what was going through his mind at this point, but, according to my knowledge the use of the "hangover chit" was done away with after the Marine Corps Ball fiasco of 1978, and that should be common knowledge even for the most absurdly hung-over person. I do given Vin credit for going were few attempt to go and actually try and getting out of a days work, legitimately, with a SIQ chit for having a hangover. Bravo good Sir!!!

Posted using hatemail from George "Animal"

Pirate Down

One of the Pirates, my former Clan from the O'ming, was killed yesterday. I'll be heading down there for the services, and to rally the Pirates to GoBig in his honor. The Pirates were much like the Ministry, except with much more destruction of property.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

2 Margarita, 5 beer, 1 jaeger, 1 tequila

Thats the recipe for my latest GoBig night. Also, I think I may be getting a motorcycle sometime in the future. American Choppers is my favorite TV show now, and I want one. I need to know when you guys are getting back so I can be there with enormous amounts of Ackahol.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Short timer’s attitude…

Yep that’s right, that’s what I was labeled by our Self Centered, CO sucking, Micro Managing, FuckTard gold clover out here! All because why?.......I don’t give him the proper greeting when I see him!! Is that ridiculous or what! Hell Vin, Fez, and the rest of you that have re-enlisted or extended, you are the hero’s of this Marine Corps! You pain loving freaks!! This shit is not for me!
On a lighter note, Gunny T and I continue to ridicule the hell out of Banjo. He has been a constant center of laughter here at the site; with that cheddar filled mouth and that rag tag bobbling head. Btw it will be Capt Banjo here soon…is that idiotic or what!
So Jolly –Red is enjoying herself down in Cuban Country right now, damn wish I could be there right now. Oh yeah I watched Grandma’s Boy…holy crap was that hilarious…talk about a quote movie
Alright fellow inebriated owls…have a good one..
Cuban –B –out
*Nov. 24th – A New Meaning of Going Big-

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Couple of things....

This is the 200th post in GUNNAMATNA history...our damn...anyway..I never thought I would be longing for the day I could shipped off to TQ. I am going to turn into raging psycho if I don't get the FUCK out of here(TOO LATE). All Go Big'ng has been put on hold...people are getting soft and getting on my fuckin nerves. I am on the verge of expelling another Nightowl from the ministry due to his punk bitch behavior. It does no good to be nice to certain people they will only use that to fuck you in the fuck them...from now on it is cut-throat, asshole, prick, heartless bastard to all who fuck us over....Let start thinking about this years uniform update....If your name isn't on the commissioned list on this website then you don't get SHIT! Loyalty, Respect and having each others backs is only practiced by the few of us "real" Nightowls that remain. Fuck this shit! Oh yeah Wooly/MONGO should definitely be on here but we all know how he feels about If bitches keep getting expelled we are gonna have to DEMOTE some Senior's to fill billets....what do you think? JOKING....

Saturday, May 5, 2007

We need to get Wooly on this site.

Kaiser, that needs to happen. Well folks it's Cinco de Mayo and since i am like 8 percent mexican. I feel it is my obligated duty to tell you to Go fucking Big. Huge, not for me, not even for yourselves, but for those crazy beaners who just want to jump the border and sell some oranges under an overpass. Be inspired by every landscaper who answers you with "Que?". They swim across the rio, jump the fence, and even crawl under just to take care of the shitty jobs, god bless the poor economy of Mexico, for blessing us with cheap labor, and more unwanton racism.
So tip back a corona, take a shot of Cabo and be glad your are not a wetback.

chimichangas for everyone,

Monday, April 30, 2007

DET F is disbanded

Today this 30th day of April in the year of our Lord I order DET F of the Nightowl Ministry disbanded and they are to return to Headquarters Ministry for GO BIG de mayo..It is so ordered. Vin and Taz complete EP school and cease their rampage on the Heart of Dixie.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fezzick and Bwaaw

Fez, did you disable your Woda account? if not, can i have the login so i can continue the Monarkos Comic? gonna try to get flox in there too.

The Draft!

The NFL draft that is. Randy Moss is a Patriot, Brady Quinn that lucky bastard, was drafted by....the browns. Sorry eflow, but his career is now over. And fuck you mike holmgren, for drafting a defensive end named Baraka. You just had to take your shots at me didnt you? The Lions also doomed another WR to obscurity by selecting Calvin Johnson. Is Matt Millen still in Detroit? who the hell is running that team? The Eagles picked a guy by the last name of Grubbs. Hopefully for them, he's from some normal part of civilization. Once again, the Texans had a chance to draft some impact players on offense and went for a Defensive Tackle with their only pick in the 1st two rounds. If you are a fan of this team, I feel sorry for you. If youve been a fan for more than 3 years though, youre a fucking moron.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ive had it with the tv shows and songs that say everyone is beautiful in their own ways. what a load of bullshit. NO its not true we should love everyone the way they are, thats what keeps them fat, ugly, or addicted to smack. Oprah is a god damn hypocrite. she tells us that were all special and should like our bodies no matter what, but everytime she explodes into jabba mode, she goes on a 6 month puke and starve diet, then cries on her show explaining how proud of herself she is that shes no longer a blob of gristley diarrhea. maybe shes just doing it to taunt people who cant lose weight by saying "ive lost 200 lbs on 19 seperate occasions!" How about people stop being content to be total slobs and take note of the disgusting parts of your body. AND FIX IT. if youre ugly, get some plastic surgery, if you cant afford that because the dishwasher sitting in your yard jacks up your electric bill, then start doing dishes by hand, maybe that will burn off the part of your arms that look like water filled sandwich bags. If youre fatter than that, try crobarring yourself off the couch and into your neighbors truck bed for a trip to the gym. But whatever you do, stop feeling good about yourself for having the "courage" to live looking like you do.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hippie convention

So last weekend I went to a Kayak festival in Charleston (Said with my southern accent). I have never seen so many hippies of all ages there! Needless to say it was hosted by Subaru, which means that their were a ton of hippie carrying Subaru's there. It was awesome! I got so much free Subaru stuff. Here is a picture of my future car (but with a turbo of course!). I also scoped out the area while I was there. With four colleges and one medical university within a 2 mile radius of Down town Charleston I say it has potential! I say we do some planning.