Friday, December 21, 2007

Who is on the list??

Well I just got done watching that Chuck & Larry movie, which was nothing special........HOWEVER...Jessica Biel (Right) was in it...I informed Jolly that Jessica is on my list. That if I were ever to meet her at a bar or wherever, and for un-godly reason she digs the cuban, everything would be fairgame!! So lets see who you people consider worthy of the list that your wife/Girlfriend would have to deal with! So take your time…This is your number #1…
And yes Jolly go ahead and post yours too.....but I know no one can have me beat of course


Kaiser said...

yeah, youre forgetting one thing. you, jolly and spoon are the only married nightowls. So my list is pretty damn long.

Cuban-B said...

i hear that case the #1 chick to bang...simple enough....