Saturday, October 6, 2007

Gerber and Ira

Okay you too, your emails have been sitting in my box for too long. I finally remembered to invite you bastards, and now you should have posting priviledges here. Make your google acount using your email address, and use your callsign as your posting name. If you cant figure it out, get a fellow Nightowl to help you. Also Jollyred & Cuban, the name Luvgun sucks, try to come up with a better one that fits her.


Kaiser said...

Also also, when i get there, I'll show you guys who dont have the blue Nightowl jerseys how to order them. The blue ones can be bought one at a time, so theres no order limit to deal with on those.

Cuban-B said...

whats the price of tea in china

Kaiser said...

I dont know, but I'll give you 1 teabag for free.