Friday, June 8, 2007

just some b.s

Got done writing on the other blog so i thought i would do some thing where i can say ridicolous shit. Sasquatwats, that's right, it just rolls of the tounge. I like adding the fuck to any noun to describe a person. such as fuckstick, fucknut, fucktard, fuckler or even a lickfuck. That is right i love to swear. i am a crude person who thinks ghost farting is still hilarious.

And fuck you for judging me you shitslapping, ass jammin skuntfucks.


JollyRed said...

You are the king of goast farting!
I know man I have to reframe from swearing on the other blog, its hard to do. You still havent given me any movies to go watch!

Kaiser said...

Snakes on a mothafuckin plane!

Mongo said...

fucking brilliant