Saturday, June 16, 2007


Any new stats to record? Vin, the last i have from you is from new orleans. Jolly? Crank? Taz?


Mongo said...

do me a favor and send me a copy of what the requirements are. i have at least one police involvment that needs to be recorded.

Fez said...

The requirements?!!?!?! There is only one requirement. GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!

JollyRed said...

My Aunt and I went to the Shearton pool and proceeded to get drunk poolside. I dont know what that would fall under. I can't think of anything resent though.

JollyRed said...

Kaiser changs the header back this one looks like ass!

Vin said...

SPELL CHECK JOLLYRED! your spelling is god-awful. We are educated alkies.

JollyRed said...

Skru u guys I use spell check at work no one says i gotta use it at home.