Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paris "DUI" Hilton

Its not enough that America makes a fool of itself with foreign relations (ie the European missle shield proposal which has enraged Russia...very rightfully so and the Barnum and Bailey Circus known as Iraq and we still continue to butt our noses into everyone else's buisness) but now are literally embarassing ourselves on a domestic level on the international stage. From massive coverage of the infamous whore known as Anna Nicole to slapping the wrist of DUI Hilton for continuously endagering the lives of Los Angelites by driving drunk all over town and clearly not giving a damn because she is rich and sending that same message to the rest of America that the justice system works for the rich ( when it is exactly the opposite) but its not working when you aren't punished for breaking the law no matter what your social stature is( regular HARDWORKING americans don't tend to always see it that way). We continue to disregard the escalating murder rates in our cities such as Philadelphia which had over 400 homicides last year and is well on the way to shattering that record and I can assure you that they were not related terroism. Do you think the citizens of West Philly give a damn about Al Qaeda blowing up Lincoln Financial Field when they could get shot for walking out the front door everyday. My question is this what good are we doing "protecting the country" over in Iraq and Afghanistan when we can't protect the citizens of Philadelphia here in the US of A. No disrespect to my fellow Marines that have died in the name of terrorism but how about showing more respect to the police officers who risk their lives TRYING to keep this country SAFE! ( with little help from the federal gov't). I retract my previous statement, Philly and other cities all over this country deal with terrorists everyday. They're called GANGS. Where does that fall in HOMELAND SECURITY?! Under my ass, thats where. How soon we forget.


JollyRed said...

I have never seen gangs fist hand but I hear the horror stories about them. Your right man, its gettin bad.

Fez said...

True that, I think the worst step of our society was making the media, entertainment. There was no paris hilton talk when 5 old white guys were sitting around talking about economic status of our country and conquering the financial debt. The news isn't news any more. Paris is a whore. no more coverage needed. I am tired of the bullshit too. Do kids these days even understand what a politcal issue is. "Bush sucks" is not a political stand point. It is an opinion. and guess what, paris is still a whore.