Monday, June 18, 2007


First of all, I’m glad to hear that Kasier is still alive….I’m sure your entire chest cavity resembles a dark cave full of alcohol! Congrats on Crosby winning the MVP (youngest since Gretz at that), hopefully Pittsburg doesn’t shit it away!
Mongo what’s the deal? Are you going on ship or to the desert, I hear we got two guys from Insitu land coming over here…
Vin, sorry to hear your coming out..oh well…at least you can get some extra cash right..
Things here at the “Hub” have been alright, I’m sure most of you heard about the recent promotion of was quite comical. Other than that it has been ground hog day here every freaking day..Good thing it’s my last trip!
In regards to the 24th of November, I have called off the wedding……
okay jk…jolly calm Actually what I wanted to remind you all, was that since thanksgiving is on the 22nd, I can foresee it being an issue with some of you. If so just give me a shout out and it will be cool. Well that’s it, I’m with Fez on the fact it’s a royal pita to get into the blog thru the nipr…but I’m glad to hear you’re all alive and bitching! See you all later


Kaiser said...

I dont give a shit what day its on, i'll be there...and IT WILL BE ON!

Cuban-B said...

dude sounds good,
hey "banjo commander" is a hit out here btw! its on the ICS everyday!

Vin said...

Ditto. only thing that will stop me is VMU....actually, they won't either...uhhh what size sword should I buy?

MO said...

32" you dip shit.. That's damn right, I badgering you.. I will be there Cuban, regardless.

JollyRed said...
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Cuban-B said...

my plan is to try to check out some swords from the armory...but not sure how well that will go...hey Fez, is gerber coming?