Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Counterfire Dead

Well, since most of the people i recruited either left or declined the invite to write for counterfire(and one who had to be kicked out), the only ones left were Nightowl members. since we already have Gunnamatna, I see no point in keeping counterfire going.

PS: Slake is a faggot, and I'm making a new sports blog. It will focus on flaming the worst teams in sports, worst players, worst coaches, worst fans, you get the idea.


JollyRed said...

That's what you get for recruting just people in Wyomming (no offence Fez). Their was actually a couple of people at my work the checked that blog everyday. If you really wanted counterfire to work you should of recruted some older people as well.

Kaiser said...

I did recruit older people, they were the ones that fell under the "not interested" category, i think i ended up being the oldest one.

Fez said...

shitty bro, no i can talk about my expertise, being shitstompin drunk and the pro/cons of drinking bailey's in the morning. i will have my report in immediatlely.