Monday, May 14, 2007

From Animal

Well, well, well. Now, as an outsider of the Nightowls, my post might lack some validity to the hardcore members, nonetheless, deserves notice. It appears that the mighty Capt Vin has made a terrible "faux paus" in his actions today. I do not know the extent of his previous nights adventures, but I do know that the good 'ol Capt thought it would be wise to venture to medical for "evaluation" this morning with the complaints of headache, throwing-up, general symptoms that would lead even the dumbest person to believe that he was suffering from a hangover, not to mention our crackpot group of medical experts...well, I guess that former versus the later would lead you to the stellar Navy Corpsman that support us. Anyway, I am not sure of what was going through his mind at this point, but, according to my knowledge the use of the "hangover chit" was done away with after the Marine Corps Ball fiasco of 1978, and that should be common knowledge even for the most absurdly hung-over person. I do given Vin credit for going were few attempt to go and actually try and getting out of a days work, legitimately, with a SIQ chit for having a hangover. Bravo good Sir!!!

Posted using hatemail from George "Animal"

1 comment:

Cuban-B said...


"Hey whats wrong with W.Virginia?"