Monday, May 28, 2007


Hey Kaiser thanks for the re-invite, I was one of those that was unable to log on.
Now I finally log and see that Jolly Red made a post on room accommodation for our shing-ding on the 24th. Whats up?! No wants to go?? She got Zero responses (minus crank). I'd lke to think that it was because everyone is hard at work or unable to view the blog...I hope i'm right...for many reasons that I shouldn't have to explain.
If anyone doesn't want to go anymore send me a email and I will glady take you off the list.
Cuban B OUT!


Kaiser said...

you gad dayum right i'll be there. Just dont know if a room will be neccesary or not.

JollyRed said...

Thats right fuckers!
I will beat the shit out of you if all ya'll lazy asses show up at the wedding at the last minute!

Cuban-B said...

WTF Kaiser, you can't sleep in the room with Jolly Red and I!!

Kaiser said...

who said you could sleep with us?

Vin said...

There is no room for 4 Cubano!