Thursday, May 10, 2007

Short timer’s attitude…

Yep that’s right, that’s what I was labeled by our Self Centered, CO sucking, Micro Managing, FuckTard gold clover out here! All because why?.......I don’t give him the proper greeting when I see him!! Is that ridiculous or what! Hell Vin, Fez, and the rest of you that have re-enlisted or extended, you are the hero’s of this Marine Corps! You pain loving freaks!! This shit is not for me!
On a lighter note, Gunny T and I continue to ridicule the hell out of Banjo. He has been a constant center of laughter here at the site; with that cheddar filled mouth and that rag tag bobbling head. Btw it will be Capt Banjo here soon…is that idiotic or what!
So Jolly –Red is enjoying herself down in Cuban Country right now, damn wish I could be there right now. Oh yeah I watched Grandma’s Boy…holy crap was that hilarious…talk about a quote movie
Alright fellow inebriated owls…have a good one..
Cuban –B –out
*Nov. 24th – A New Meaning of Going Big-


JollyRed said...

Do you want be to use my southern charm to find out where he parks his car and then slash his tires?
Fuck'em! you don't need his bull shit!

Vin said...

Bro I regret ever signing any fuckin contract. I hate the fuckin Marine Corps and now I am trapped for another 4 yrs. I know Fez ain't gonna stick around..I don't blame him. Hero no MORON yes. CAPT just rank being an idiot will never change.

Kaiser said...

What a shitbag.