Saturday, July 21, 2007

Would you rather be doing this?

For you guys in Iraq, If you think it sucks there, just think. If you were home, this is a computer simulation of what would be happening.


Cuban-B said...

Even if I were stuck in Havelock like oh Jolly, at least I know that I could Drive, Ride Bicycle, Run, Walk, or Crawl wherever I damn please…The things I could do are limitless...Sorry bro not seeing eye to eye with you on this one….In fact……Your Fired! Now go get me a sandwich!

JollyRed said...

I agree with Cuban-B.
Where did you get that picture?

Kaiser said...

Its from when i burned up a camera the day we left for OIF 4.

Kaiser said...

Oh and cuban, I forgot that when youre married, you can do whatever you want. For the rest of us who werent checking out or going to appointments, work fuckin sucks at CHPT.

Cuban-B said...
