Saturday, July 14, 2007


Yes that is a common phrase used out here by Gunny, otherwise known as Mishap Gunny or J.T. He has a profound hatred for the J.T. nick name. Talking about nick names, I have a new one for our illustrious leader…TV! For Time Vampire, because once he calls your name out you get sucked in and before you know it 3hours have passed and its night time outside. I’m sure that nick can be used to many individuals that we know. Oh yeah BigBear a.ka shrek (orr) has come up with a hand gesture movement that quickly identifies that the TV is approaching…if I get some time I will add pics depicting this…Other than that I am desperately awaiting for the magical three letters to approach, so jolly and I can escape and become hippies……um yeah maybe just here on that.
Alright I’m done with my senseless rant…
Oh yeah once you think life could not get any more miserable out here……meso arrives here


JollyRed said...

I know how you feel with Meso. that guy always showes up when you think it get much worse.
What did you mean by "maybe just here on that." I think you might of wrote the wrong works because i have no clue how that is soposed to tie into your hippie comment. I know you wanna be a hippie dont deny it.

Kaiser said...

That name could apply to whopperhead as well. once youre in that office, dont bother carrying out any plans you had for that day.

Cuban-B said...

damn it..I meant to type "her" not "here"...