Wednesday, July 4, 2007

discussion topic

Morning Wood. For those of you who don't know what this is, I am speaking to the non poster Morris(that's right christine, you are a woman until you start posting again) and the ever clueless jolly red. It is when you wake up with a raging boner. I am not talking about a flacid your underwear can hold it back boner, but a true seam ripping, vein popping life threatning woody. Well everyday i have one when i wake up, not so bad at home when i can go pee than take care of it real quick. I have to wake up at 4 in the afternoon and walk around with a fucking tall and proud i wanna spit at you angry stiffy. Just thought you would like to know how my days usually go. Fighting for your freedom and the goo goblin.


Vin said...

HAAHAHA. Yes! How about how it is DAMN near impossible to piss with that thing. I have to perform a circus act to get the piss in the toilet because the bastard wants to shoot it straight up in the air. I tried jumping around but that would just draw more attention huh?....

Vin said...

One more thing..funny you should mention CHRISSY. I forgot what he looks like..I don't think he lives here anymore?