Sunday, November 25, 2007


Months ago, I scouted the town of Murrell's Inlet as a future conquest for the Nightowls. After the chaos and recklessness I saw there, I figured it would be a tough task to get the knockout. What I didnt count on was the entire Cuban B clan outclassing the locals by putting the entire southern drinking community to shame. The Cubans were led by the legendary Mario, and by forging an alliance with his gang of Miami native iron livers, the Nightowls obliterated any possible competition with overhwelming brute force.
The whole thing went down like Germany vs. Poland in WWII. Sorry Jolly Red, but your hometown never had a chance, and needs a major ego check among its "finest" of so called drinkers. Out of the smoke and fire came a guest appearance from the mighty Gunny T, and a possible new Nightowl, provided she completes the checklist, and the captaincy decides to void some requirements in favor of true drinking excellence. Oh, and there was a wedding.

In short, Murrell's Inlet was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another time, and with fewer Nightowls and family, maybe it could have put up a fight, but it wasnt to be on this occasion.

R.I.P. Murrell's Inlet.


JollyRed said...

Your right Murrells Inlet did not have a chance. but when i saw my grandmother doing Jägermeister shots, I was proud to be a south carlina native.

Cuban-B said...

Thats Awesome! I read it to Mario, he was cracking up!
BTW...anyone know a good

Vin said...

I don't think that we the Nightowls knew what we were in for when we aligned with Cuban-B cartel. WE WERE WARNED but I have to say I didn't believe it. I know I learned a few things....