Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ive had it with the tv shows and songs that say everyone is beautiful in their own ways. what a load of bullshit. NO its not true we should love everyone the way they are, thats what keeps them fat, ugly, or addicted to smack. Oprah is a god damn hypocrite. she tells us that were all special and should like our bodies no matter what, but everytime she explodes into jabba mode, she goes on a 6 month puke and starve diet, then cries on her show explaining how proud of herself she is that shes no longer a blob of gristley diarrhea. maybe shes just doing it to taunt people who cant lose weight by saying "ive lost 200 lbs on 19 seperate occasions!" How about people stop being content to be total slobs and take note of the disgusting parts of your body. AND FIX IT. if youre ugly, get some plastic surgery, if you cant afford that because the dishwasher sitting in your yard jacks up your electric bill, then start doing dishes by hand, maybe that will burn off the part of your arms that look like water filled sandwich bags. If youre fatter than that, try crobarring yourself off the couch and into your neighbors truck bed for a trip to the gym. But whatever you do, stop feeling good about yourself for having the "courage" to live looking like you do.


Vin said...

Amen brotha. but we all know that will NEVER happen because of OPRAH and her gang of wannbe's ie. Rosie "can't shut my muthafuckin mouth" O'donnell. If you are Irish you should be embarressed and should be burning her ass at the stake so I don't have hear anymore of her verbal diarrhea.

Fez said...

fine guys, i will lose some weight.....message recieved loud and clear. Dicks.

JollyRed said...

I could not agree more. I think all over weight people in America should have to go to concentration camps! if they die then good I wont have to send my taxes to their fat pie holes, if they live then great they can start doing something for society for a change!
Wasting my GOD DAM taxes!