Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gather 'round for a story

Well folks i did it, the first ridiculous thing so far.

Top asked me to be a camera man and take pictures of him taking off a rato. So i said no problem, taking pictures being a good person. Than the part of my brain that loves me to fuck up started to say "hey, take a picture of your nuts, it will be reeeaaally funny".

So's i mention it to Yufit, and just like a triple dog dare to a child, he "no balls'ed" me. So of course i had to do it, hop into GCS 2 and hit it up real quick. A beauty of a shot, one ball, few pubes in the shot, no mistaking it. I think this is great, but instead of stopping there, i decide to show elflow. Well he thought it would be great to take a picture of his ass. And does, but while he was doing it some one burst through the door, he tried to toss the camera to me and pull up his pants at the same time.

Disaster, the string gets caught up on something, the camera plummits to the ground. I watch, too afraid to move. It bounces hard, my only hope is maybe it will just have some scratches. Oh no my friends. It landed right on the lense. It won't even turn on.

So i have to tell top, i just tell him it drops. He wants to know how i dropped it. So i finally give in and tell him i was taking a picture of my ballsac and i dropped it.
He took it well, and the memory card still worked. With a picture mine nuts, eflow's ass and one broken camera as evidence of the ridiculousness of the day.

So anyone know where to buy a camera cheap?


Vin said...

First. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I am missing all the fun! dammit. Second. Try Amazon.com they are usually reasonably cheaper tahn the others.

JollyRed said...

That is the greatest story i have ever herd!!! The Cuban and I got his camera at BeachCamera.com really cheap compared to amazon. But they need a phone number to call to verify the order, just give them mine if you need it.

Fez said...

yeah, it's some fun times. I already bought top a new camera and decided what the heck, buy myself one too. 440$ dollars later. i write this blog. It's not so bad, we are splitting top's camera three ways so i only have to pay $70 for his. Sexy times.

Cuban-B said...

Dude that is a great story, sucks for you, but still a awesome story!