Monday, August 27, 2007

Extreme Odium

That’s right folks! Odium! I’m gonna use a couple of big words in this post in tribute to Turtle; who has been up here a couple of weeks. SO here we go…..
Let me commence by revealing to you all that everything is still horribly appalling here. Paris (A.K.A Time Vampire) does not seem to be slowing down with his unremitting attacks on everyone who is doing something erroneous! (Yea that’s EVERYONE). I am repentant for not dropping any more postings since July, you all have no idea how ghastly things have become out here. Wow those were some high speed words I used…I’m spent…….who said Cuba doesn’t have a good education system! And why do people insist on using words like that anyway? Do should just approach the person they are trying to speak too and say,”Yeah I’m way smarter than you!”, “Now go cut my lawn!”
On a good note…Meso the Parrot (uncanny ability to repeat any words within 300yards) will be departing in a couple of days….So Fez and Vin you have that to look forward too…
I just realized that this whole posting was so negative…..Wow Vin I guess you are right…it great being an asshole

This weeks Safety message: It is never a good idea to have a gasoline fight.


Cuban-B said...

I meant "You" not "do"...damn proof reading...

JollyRed said...

Wow that post was just....I have no other words for it.

Mongo said...

I took English as a second language in high school and sir, you are fucking illiterate.