Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Okay here is my leave update (since you all are dying to know J)..
First I have completed day 12 of not shaving, I look like a damn Iraqi! Which sucks, but who fucking cares…
Today was an exciting day to say the least,
Jolly Red and I decide to take our little c-130 r/c plane out to the park to “fly” around. I put quotation marks on the word fly for a reason. The first attempt to fly it was done by Jolly Red with some success (in the air for a good 3 min), unfortunately that would be our last.
I took the controls over, after having told her that anyone can fly an r/c plane….
Shit…was my next thought
Why? Because I crashed the damn thing into a freaking tree, I’m talking about the sucker was stuck at the top of the pine tree about 25ft up. So for the next 35min we attempted many techniques to retrieve our rouge r/c. From throwing rocks at it, to trying to shake the tree (Vin wish you were there for that one), and even throwing a tow rope at it; with the hope of pulling the branch down that it was nugged into. ALL FAILED!
Finally I resorted to my ancient Cuban Instincts…..
I chucked a 2x4 like a spear and knocked the damn r/c to the ground!
Mission Success…….Until, we tried to fly it again, with myself at the controls away from the tree line I desperately needed to redeem myself, however upon take off I did an Alston style right turn and nose dived the little r/c into the ground completely removing the front nose wheel.
So on our last and final attempt I held the r/c up in the air with jolly red at the controls, and attempted to fly again….However this time their was no way to fix the r/c, shortly after take off, Jolly Red banked hard left, and crashed the little shit splinting it into two piece (the fuselage broke in half).
So then we picked up the pieces and retired for the day……
Vin and Fez I give you guys props…..this shit is not as easy as I thought…


Kaiser said...

thats why they have a school for that. thats also why they start out using the same recycled pieces of shit that have been crashed 50 times before. have fun repairing it.

Vin said...

Uhhh yes. you should have consulted a pro first. live and learn. you probably wanna try this thing called APOXY..it is the only thing that will keep the now piece of shit together believe me i know.

Fez said...

i crashed a few back in my day, hell spoon and seeley still smack them up like pimp.