Saturday, February 3, 2007

New Fuckin Policy!

I'm sick and tired of seeing the same fuckin people on the prospect list and no sign of a fuckin 600. From the time they have been selected to prospectancy to 2months after is the time frame they have to grab a hold of their fuckin balls and complete the damn 600 ( and I think that is too generous). If not get them the fuck off the list!!!!!! There are shitheads that have been there since BEFORE we came back to the states and nothing? If they don't want to be in the company of the ministry then fuck them....we are NOT chasing them down to get them to do it. THE BOARD IS FUCKIN UP!!!!!! let's fix this shit! Any other suggestions? Bring em out!

1 comment:

Cuban-B said...

Half of these prospects, I have no fuckin clue who the hell they are!!!

Also why isn't Tatanka a nightowl??
If we are going to give out jersey's then we should gove them out to nightowls!
Lastly, we have a blog here folks! Fuckin respond to your brothers! Thats why it is here!
Crank(yes your new name) and Jolly, start posting more stuff here you fucking terds!
(sorry honey:)