Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well then! I guess I have been put in my place....FUCK THAT! If no one wants to go then I will occupy myself elsewhere. I really don't give a shit anymore period. HAVE FUN IN IRAQ ASSHOLES. and i agree with the "illegal alien" about being a Nightowl as I too think it is a joke to some people and if they don't wish to involve themselves(at least once a month) with the bond that is us then why the hell are we wasting our time? I'm seriously about to wash my hands of this shit because I'm starting to think it is a joke because we don't even follow our own "by-laws". I'm pretty sure that i typed this all in vain because maybe one person may read it. In closing I'm not forcing anyone to do anything I just wanted to know since it is only about a week away. I know the answer now and won't waste my time asking again. I hope you all get hit by a BUS!


MO said...

I don't want to get hit by a bus.... So I'm down... I also googled BUCKHEAD... Looks like the primo spot

Cuban-B said...

cool font

Vin said...

Thanks, I knew you would like it.

Fez said...

dude, i've been drunk... a lot, and by the way, i am bald....bic bald