Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Number 23

Do NOT go to see this movie. looks cool in the previews right? Jim Carrey is already a creepy weirdo when hes doing comedies, and now, he actually plays a creepy weirdo in a serious movie. I wont give away the ending, so heres a little analogy. Imagine if at the end of Crank, Carebears showed up at the end to magically cure Chev with rainbows from their bellies, and then the cops finally catch him and say, "Oh! you had to kill all those people in self defense! damn we almost made a huge mistake by trying to arrest you all day!" needless to say, it would have been fucking stupid. like the number 23.


Vin said...

HAHA...well i'm convinced although I haven't even heard of the damn movie....i guess that was why.

Cuban-B said...

when are you coming back Kaiser?

Kaiser said...

i'll be back on March 1st, then Fez and i are going to Raleigh, to catch the penguins game. back at work noon the next day.

Cuban-B said...

so your game is on the 1st? if so you going to ATL on the 2nd after work.....I'm trying to gauge an idea on who is down

Kaiser said...
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Kaiser said...

the game is on the night of the 2nd, so unless you know someone who would buy two luxury box seats to a sport they hate for $250, i guess i wont be going. ask around?