Friday, January 12, 2007


Don't really know what to write about, but i figure it is time to post somemore mundane idiocracy. Can't all be political genuises. Thanks alot kaiser for making me look like nutslapping fuckstick. No no, it's cool, Ted Koppel. Go ahead and tell me what's going on in the world today cuz i am listening. I just can't comprehend cuz i am the drunk dumb fat kid.
Now, i could prolly go on a with my usual dishing out of my abuse. And don't worry i will. But i will congratulate Mo on sacking up and finally writing something. That's right skunt. Bout fucking time.
And with out anymore delay, abuse time, I'm a little sick and tired of caring. Care about the environment, the poor, the sick, the whatever else the morose muthafucks suffer from. That's right i said, i couldn't care less. I don't give a shit. When people tell me to give a shit, i get constipated, then all i want to do is shit in my hand like a rabid zoo monkey and throw it at some fucking hippie so it will finally give that grubby fuck an excuse to take a shower. And for fuck sakes, buy some fucking shoes. Goddamn i hate hippies. But sorry, i am getting off track. All these charities that ask for donations. What has happened to all the money, if it takes 15 dollars to feed some poor fucking kid, why not spend that money, not on fucking rations but helping that country out. By neutering the fucks. I am sure we can get some dirty vets who have a coke habit, give 10 grand and there goes 90 percent of aids, world hunger and all that other bullshit. I am sorry to say but when it comes to 2.95 for a mad dog or helping out, you will see me going big from getting tanked. And act like i am a bad person. But believe it or not, i donate. Now let me ask you a question, do you? So go all high and mighty and slap the bible around. Blah blah, neighbor, blah blah, commandments. Even jesus was a stingy fuck.....whoa whoa whoa....slow down fez. Maybe stingy fuck is extreme. I even have to draw the line there. But he did know when not to hurt more by giving. He said teach a man to fish not fucking help him become a dependent fuck. So all i am trying to say is i love to drink and i see no reason not to. And i love double fucking negatives. So fuck you.


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