Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dolphins are in the playoffs

next year. I bet my sweet virgin anus that miami will at least pull off a wildcard birth next year. You might think i've gone out of my skull but they werent actually as bad as their record shows. They lost six games by 3 points this year. Thats about the equivalent of being short 1 big play per game.

They will also have high draft choices in all rounds, players that are pissed about the way this season went, and Bill Parcells manning the front office. I'd add that Ricky Williams will be healthy at the start of next season, but who the hell knows if that's good or bad. Bottom Line: The Dolphins will make the playofs next year. I guaran-fucking-tee it.


Cuban-B said...

yeah they will be a better team next yr, if they do get a new coach and they win more than 5 games it will be viewed as a giant step

damn it Auburn won...damn the sec

JollyRed said...

Well if Miami does start to win, i might just have to start to watching them.

Mongo said...

I see the iraqi heat went to your fucking head