Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today the metropolis of Atlanta will fall. We will start out with Six Flags and go from there. I vow to not become victim to the bottle rocket syndrome once again and we will accompany a former Nightowl (Brad) (Alston) (Oldass) for a celebration bitches..... and.....IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE "300" YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF A NEW MANDATE...."300" IS THE OFFICIAL MOVIE OF THE NIGHTOWL MINISTRY UNTIL IT CAN BE DE-THRONED.


MO said...

The following Nightowls are scheduled to go see 300 tonight... Myself MO(aka Crank), Cuban-B, Jollyred, Kaiser, & possibly Fez. Will follow with comments.

Fez said...

Although i will say that 300 is the best movies i have seen in a while. I do believe the official movie of nightowls should be pee wee's big adventure.