Sunday, October 3, 2010


The seahawks lost to the rams. the FUCKING RAMS. why, in these days when its acceptable to make a knee-jerk benching of a star player because hes fucked up for two games, cant the seahawks sit assholebeck. the bastard has been going downhill since 2007, and gets worse every single week. the mind boggling descisions he makes to heave the ball up under pressure is something that Brett Favre wouldnt do when he was a god damn rookie. enough about that.

Cuban's Dolphins play tommorow night, and i'd expect a thorough ass whipping at the hands of the patriots, except that theyre slipping into mediocrity faster than Eddie Murphey in the 90's. So if Miami wins, expect to see Randy Moss on the commisioner's blotter for picking up a drag queen prostitute and snorting heroin off its balls in his limo.

I was going to watch the eagles/redskins game, but Joe Buck was covering it. and by covering, i mean slurping McNabb's pecker like he was going to get a liquid gold money shot.

Also, I fucking hate Eli Manning and the Giants. Were finding out what kind of QB he is without a bad ass defense. I wouldnt trade a one legged Hasselbeck for that fucking Glamour monger.

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