Friday, April 2, 2010

Drunkfest 2010

March 31st 2010 marked the beginning of the fourth Drunkfest. even though i'm probably the only one participating, it has lived up to the non-existent hype so far. as the hour closes in on the start of Day 3, once again i prove to the world that i am an irresponsible alcoholic and a drain on my community and nation, and am part of the collection of idiots that thinks getting hammered for a week straight is a noteworthy accomplishment.

since Drunkfest is not an annual event, the heralding of future Drunkfests may include death, rejection, and the all time leading cause, involuntarily becoming single.

1 comment:

Scotty6105 said...

Well i too am a disgusting excuse as a member of society. I successfully got cut off in a casino. Then escorted to my room then escorted out the next morning.