Thursday, October 30, 2008


you are full of shit. whatever that "disease" is that you think you have, youre full of shit. stop using bi-polar or OCD or whatever the hell as an excuse for your fuck ups. just admit you made a stupid mistake and have a fucking laugh about it. nobody will care.

you are not crazy. if you were crazy, you wouldnt have to tell everyone around you that you are for them to realize it. accept your goddamn personality and live with it. stop telling people youre insane, because you are not. insane people dont know theyre insane. stupid people use it as an excuse for doing the stupid things they do.

you do not need that fucking pill you saw on TV for that disorder you saw on TV to get the desired results you saw on TV. chill the fuck out and stop taking things so seriously, stop creating fucking stupid drama for no other reason than to draw attention to yourself. you want attention? do something commendable. Its much better than just having people feel sorry for you because they think youre a fucking retard.


Blaze said...

i like monkeys

Vin said...

Yo, my wife would have a shit fit if she read this but its something I have already told her cause she works in this field of dealing with people with disorders and she thinks she has some herself. She takes the fuckin pills and i see NO difference. SHe fits perfectly into this catergory and i stand with Kaiser. Its BULLSHIT. Grow the fuck up!