Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Days of '49: June 10-15 - Greybull, WY

Okay, if ANYONE was actually serious about going to Wyoming to conquer, this is the time to do it (if youre ever home for this time of year). Usually the main bar here will have 4-10 people on a good night. saturday, there was at least 3 times more people than actually live here, in and around the bar. Just for an estimate, take church street at new years and space it out a couple more blocks. Going Big was had by an entire county's worth of 16-60 year olds, who partied like it was the one day of the year that prohibition is repealed. Iv'e never seen so many old people going nuts. One guy was drinking a whiskey sour while breathing through his oxygen cart. Liekwise, If you plan on annexing Seattle into the Nightowl territories in the future, the 4th of July is the time. I'll cover what happens there later on in the year.

Also, what kind of bullshit is happening in the desert castle? any KungFu? Crashes? Need any mail?


Vin said...

Well thats gonna be 4 years for me until I am able to get out there for those events.... Since when do we need big celebrations to make our mark? FTS(Fuck that shit).

JollyRed said...

I dont know if I wanna make that large of a trek by myself. Besides my inlaws invited me to their Cuban version of GO BIG. Can't pass up Miami over Wyoming, sorry man maybe next year when I have my co-pilot back.

Fez said...

Sorry bro, i am from wyoming and i would rather be in iraq.