Just a hunch, but i'll take a guess that ScanEagles have fallen out of the sky pretty frequently. so, in a celebration of supply and demand, heres a visual reference for determining the value of boeing's favorite UAV.
Bringing the professionalism to alcoholism
Either way those "ballistic missiles" will be getting the BOOT from Marine Coprs aviation soon enough. Good... I don't like the fact they have the same job as us ( doing a quarter of the fuckin work) yet they make enough to support 4 or 5 of us. and for what.. to plow into the unsuspecting Marines they support causing possible life loss to have them go look for the piece of shit.
well fuck you too
Sorry, just venting...as I am stuck here and all I can do is hate. It is not personal... but it is a piece of shit.
it seems that I forgot a coma. It was ment in a joking matter, not seriously. However, it is only worth a tenth of a pioneer
Well, there is a scan eagle chick here who is not hot, but she gots an ass on her.
That's right vin, i put gots.
I am with them Scan Eagle is a piece-O-Shit. Thats ok with me because whatever the USMC buys I'll be working at Pax trying to work out the kinks. It's job security nothing personal.
SHADOW! Jolly. It has been around for a little while and do me a favor and don't go to PAX because as we found out with Pioneer they work out kinks and then don't tell any fuckin body...so we end up working them out on our own (usually after we have takin out a generator or break the Pioneer speed record by spiraling down at over 200kts over Karmah). FUCK PAX! and you are better than that. How big Fez? rest my mug on her ass big or just enough that it sticks up from her lower back when you "gots" her bent over?
How's the Flying Lawnmower, aka (Pioneer) doing? Still allowing everyone to escape, and provide the absolute worst coverage due to its outstanding stealth ness It's ok though I guess, since the Marine Corps and all its infinite wisdom in D.C. has decided to upgrade to a newer Flying Lawnmower aka (Shadow). Has Kronic been able to conduct one of his outstanding barrel rolls yet? Ahh, now that I pissed all you guys off, I can say that I agree that the Scaneagle is just an expensive lawn dart. Just wanted to get you going.
bignuff, you'll see soon vin.
umm yeah....most of you guys aren't out here...its a whole differnt se as far as dependability and quality
MO hit me up on high side, I'll fill you in with details
and yea pioneer is the shitty one, go ahead and include shadow as well :)
in fact they ALL SUCK!
Thats right! That just happened!
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