It must really be painful for canadians to have the last three Stanley Cup champions be from california, north carolina, and florida, all beating canadian teams no less. out of place hockey winning over canada's over inflated sense of superiority just makes this so much greater to me. sure, MY team didnt win, but to stuff another hot coal up the canucks' pretentious self centered asses is almost as satisfying now that the sting of the Penguins losing has worn off. To have a 13 year old expansion team that was named after a disney movie kick the capital of snowland in the nuts has to make their best loved loudmouth asshole Don Cherry want to shit blood until next season. The last time a canadian team won it all was the year before Anaheim even had a team. I guess what im trying to say is...fuck canada and every french speaking sphincter faced faggot that thinks hockey is better there just because they get to slide their ass around on frozen water 10 months of the year.
1 comment:
There's no canada like French Canada, It's the best canada in the world. haha, i love me some south park.
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