Okay guys here are some new pics from the wedding; first we have a classic Vin pose; where everyone at the party knows that a drunk angry man is yelling at them-(notice the placement of the hands on the hips!). Then you see Kaiser wearing his standard issued clothing (Leather Jacket, Black Shirt, and Jeans). Fez is perfectly crashing in on a picture moment for these two girls, at the bottom left is Mario hanging out with Kaiser-who btw isn’t smiling cause he just got force fed for the 4th time that night. Lastly this picture was taken just as Vin was about to feel up my Aunt on the Dance floor, for some reason he kept calling her Rita Repulsa?
haha...get a spoon and eat my ass... that shit is funny though...nice work fuckface.
Haha, fucking rita repulsa.
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