Roger Maris and Hank Aaron, the real home run kings. Maris for hitting the most in a season, and Aaron for hitting the most in a career. Bonds, McGuire, and Sosa are now forever damned after being implicated in Senator Mitchell's steroid and substance abuse report. Jose Canseco was ridiculed after publishing a book about all these players and more, including Alex Rodriguez, who wasnt mentioned in the report. Looks like Baseball owes Canseco an apology, afterall, he may have saved the names of future kick ass ball players from humiliation by kickstarting this little war on "the cream".
Long story short, Bonds is going to hell for lying under oath, McGuire is just a failure for losing the steroid homerun record to bonds, and Sammy Sosa should be let off the hook. Not because he's innocent, but because he couldnt beat either Bonds or McGuire while juicing and corking his bat at the same time. That alone, if made public, would be enough shame for any slugger of his size.
Yeah guys like Mickey, Hank, Babe, Willie, Roger are the legends of this game!
Does anyone actually believe that A-Rod hasn't juiced?
MLB is a Scam
MLB is a scam, the NBA is rigged by the officials, and the NFL is just hiding its drugs the best. Only two things left, Nascar and hockey. so would you rather be an uncultured redneck or a canadian with no personality?
College Football hands down is the best thing going!
You must be joking. Know how i know? because college football is a joke. and not a very good one. so where's Reggie Bush's parents living these days?
Its the lesser of the evils at this point....
I hate baseball.
meh... it means the sound you make when you could give a fuck less...
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