There once was a man from Nantucket
Whos dick was so long he could suck it
he did, and it was fucking disgusting.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Our Hero Pays A Visit...
After helping monitor the most horrific PFT ever seen. I walk into the S-3 office with Animal to find GUNNAMATNA (Top Matney) sitting at the desk checking his email... It made my day. That is all. Sorry you missed it Kaiser.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Check this out
If any one in interested in the UAV expo beginning on August 6, let me know.
here is the link:
here is the link:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Those Crazy Bastards
looks like the watch hogs have decided they need a blog too, check it out
Friday, June 22, 2007
Coffee Wench
OK, so I was recently was told that when I say "coffee" I sat it with a Jersey accent. The only person that I know from New Jersey is Wooly. The only way I could have picked his accent was if I spent a large amount of time with him. Which I did not, the only time I've spent with Wooly was when I was bringing him his coffee in OIF 2. God damit! I never asked to be coffee wench.
Dam you Wooly.
Dam you Wooly.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
proposed nightowl song this is my proposal for an official song let me know what you think
Q & A
Well it looks like I might be repeating myself this weekend with another bottle of MD. It has only been two days since we hit the mark of 3000 and we are more than an 1/8 of the way to 4000. To awnser your qeustion MO I will not be joining any of you in iraq this year. Instead i will be going to another shithole where people hate me because I dont share their religion. I'm Sorry that i won't be ableto join the nightowl culmanation in Nov for a wonderful event but I won't be in the country. One thing is funny that I recently thought about was i have been or stopped at least in 10 countries and not once was it for my personal enjoyment. WTF
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm here damnit
OMG, Jolly you knew I was going to Ohio for a wedding. Speaking of the wedding, I showed them all what going big is. I was drinking before the wedding even started, two jaeger bombs and a beer on the 5min limo ride to the reception hall. I was one of the last ones to leave the reception hall. Almost made them loose their liquor license for making my own jaeger bombs at the head table (the lady working there was pissed). We did finish off 3 kegs, for that I am proud of putting quite a large dent in. I don't know how many people I pissed off, but apparently I almost dumped red bull all over some girl, but instead of dumping it on her, I poured it into my hands then wiped it on her. (I don't remember this). Anyway's I have not been captured you scip-scaps.
First of all, I’m glad to hear that Kasier is still alive….I’m sure your entire chest cavity resembles a dark cave full of alcohol! Congrats on Crosby winning the MVP (youngest since Gretz at that), hopefully Pittsburg doesn’t shit it away!
Mongo what’s the deal? Are you going on ship or to the desert, I hear we got two guys from Insitu land coming over here…
Vin, sorry to hear your coming out..oh well…at least you can get some extra cash right..
Things here at the “Hub” have been alright, I’m sure most of you heard about the recent promotion of was quite comical. Other than that it has been ground hog day here every freaking day..Good thing it’s my last trip!
In regards to the 24th of November, I have called off the wedding……
okay jk…jolly calm Actually what I wanted to remind you all, was that since thanksgiving is on the 22nd, I can foresee it being an issue with some of you. If so just give me a shout out and it will be cool. Well that’s it, I’m with Fez on the fact it’s a royal pita to get into the blog thru the nipr…but I’m glad to hear you’re all alive and bitching! See you all later
Mongo what’s the deal? Are you going on ship or to the desert, I hear we got two guys from Insitu land coming over here…
Vin, sorry to hear your coming out..oh well…at least you can get some extra cash right..
Things here at the “Hub” have been alright, I’m sure most of you heard about the recent promotion of was quite comical. Other than that it has been ground hog day here every freaking day..Good thing it’s my last trip!
In regards to the 24th of November, I have called off the wedding……
okay jk…jolly calm Actually what I wanted to remind you all, was that since thanksgiving is on the 22nd, I can foresee it being an issue with some of you. If so just give me a shout out and it will be cool. Well that’s it, I’m with Fez on the fact it’s a royal pita to get into the blog thru the nipr…but I’m glad to hear you’re all alive and bitching! See you all later
Go Big?
The next person that ASKS if the events they were involved in constitutes GOING BIG is getting their stats set back to ZERO. If you don't know by now what Going Big means you haven't been reading your fucking NIGHTOPS and you are pissing the Captains off. This isn't the first post relating to this issue. STOP DOING IT ASSHOLES! (Senior Nightowls at that).
Our Beloved Title Box...
Kasier, I know you are trying out new things but the box above looks like you consulted the "What would Banjo do" syllabus......bottom line that shit looks a hot mess. CHANGE IT!
Has anyone herd from Crank in a while? Vin I think you and I need to head up a search for his ass before you leave. I'm thinking he has been captured by one of my kind. Crank if your reading this give us a call we gotta plan a Go Big for Vin before he leaves!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
damn it all
I sorry if i don't post anymore, but it is to ridiculous to try to make it to the internet all the time. Plus there is some annoying motherfucker who i want to kill right by me. Talking about how he is second on someones friends list. Shut your mouth. Just shut your goddamn mouth. Holy shit shut the fuck up. I hope your children are born with an arm in there forhead. You fuck.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Any new stats to record? Vin, the last i have from you is from new orleans. Jolly? Crank? Taz?
Friday, June 15, 2007
This was actually online!

Recent survey finds that 61% of respondents consider themselves night owls. "Who" are America's real night owls? Sixty-one percent of Americans, or approximately 6 in 10, consider themselves night owls, according to an online survey conducted in late June 2005 by Night Owl Wines. 31% of those polled are night owls every night and an additional 29 percent are night owls only on the weekend. The survey of 628 respondents finds most Americans lead active social lives in the evening. Of the people who identified themselves as night owls, 25 percent are adults ages 25-35. Survey results indicate men and women have nearly equal night owl habits, with 61 percent of women and 59 percent of men identifying themselves as night owls. "The survey shows that night owls have active lives that begin as soon as the sun sets," said Kimberly Markert, manager for Night Owl. What do night owls do during their nocturnal hours? Thirty-two percent hang out with friends at night.
Who is this Kinberly? Where do we find her?
Who is this Kinberly? Where do we find her?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
In honor of this historic moment(having 3000 site hits) i will drink a bottle of the finest Orange Jubilee a nightowl can find. If any of you are able you should follow suite.
Link List
If anyone makes a new site, wants to add a favorite, or just wants a relevant page linked, i'll stick it up here, right under the hate mail addy. LGT is my new one.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were two of the most famous and infamous bank robbers to ever roam the earth in the 1930’s. They were eventually hunted down and shot to death with over a 130 rounds. Was this justice? Well according to the US government it is. Am I allowed to do the same thing back? I wrote that to tell you this, earlier this week I received my first check which was supposed to be around $4700 but I only received 3000 due to the government fucking raping me with taxes. This is only a $1000 more than what the USMC was paying me, but at least after they ripped my ass to pieces they gave my bloody and swollen ass a bed to sleep in. I’m about to go more berserk than a gay Asian from Virginia Tech. Who agrees with me?
Counterfire Dead
Well, since most of the people i recruited either left or declined the invite to write for counterfire(and one who had to be kicked out), the only ones left were Nightowl members. since we already have Gunnamatna, I see no point in keeping counterfire going.
PS: Slake is a faggot, and I'm making a new sports blog. It will focus on flaming the worst teams in sports, worst players, worst coaches, worst fans, you get the idea.
PS: Slake is a faggot, and I'm making a new sports blog. It will focus on flaming the worst teams in sports, worst players, worst coaches, worst fans, you get the idea.
Hurt the one you fuck
What ever happened to the myspace page for rocky? you know the one that was supposed to be pimping him out over the internet to get him laid? i want to see it!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Days of '49: June 10-15 - Greybull, WY
Okay, if ANYONE was actually serious about going to Wyoming to conquer, this is the time to do it (if youre ever home for this time of year). Usually the main bar here will have 4-10 people on a good night. saturday, there was at least 3 times more people than actually live here, in and around the bar. Just for an estimate, take church street at new years and space it out a couple more blocks. Going Big was had by an entire county's worth of 16-60 year olds, who partied like it was the one day of the year that prohibition is repealed. Iv'e never seen so many old people going nuts. One guy was drinking a whiskey sour while breathing through his oxygen cart. Liekwise, If you plan on annexing Seattle into the Nightowl territories in the future, the 4th of July is the time. I'll cover what happens there later on in the year.
Also, what kind of bullshit is happening in the desert castle? any KungFu? Crashes? Need any mail?
Also, what kind of bullshit is happening in the desert castle? any KungFu? Crashes? Need any mail?
Sunday, June 10, 2007 if you thought that tyson was funny watch what happens to these spiders when given different drugs. trust me you have to see this
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
just some b.s
Got done writing on the other blog so i thought i would do some thing where i can say ridicolous shit. Sasquatwats, that's right, it just rolls of the tounge. I like adding the fuck to any noun to describe a person. such as fuckstick, fucknut, fucktard, fuckler or even a lickfuck. That is right i love to swear. i am a crude person who thinks ghost farting is still hilarious.
And fuck you for judging me you shitslapping, ass jammin skuntfucks.
And fuck you for judging me you shitslapping, ass jammin skuntfucks.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Paris "DUI" Hilton
Its not enough that America makes a fool of itself with foreign relations (ie the European missle shield proposal which has enraged Russia...very rightfully so and the Barnum and Bailey Circus known as Iraq and we still continue to butt our noses into everyone else's buisness) but now are literally embarassing ourselves on a domestic level on the international stage. From massive coverage of the infamous whore known as Anna Nicole to slapping the wrist of DUI Hilton for continuously endagering the lives of Los Angelites by driving drunk all over town and clearly not giving a damn because she is rich and sending that same message to the rest of America that the justice system works for the rich ( when it is exactly the opposite) but its not working when you aren't punished for breaking the law no matter what your social stature is( regular HARDWORKING americans don't tend to always see it that way). We continue to disregard the escalating murder rates in our cities such as Philadelphia which had over 400 homicides last year and is well on the way to shattering that record and I can assure you that they were not related terroism. Do you think the citizens of West Philly give a damn about Al Qaeda blowing up Lincoln Financial Field when they could get shot for walking out the front door everyday. My question is this what good are we doing "protecting the country" over in Iraq and Afghanistan when we can't protect the citizens of Philadelphia here in the US of A. No disrespect to my fellow Marines that have died in the name of terrorism but how about showing more respect to the police officers who risk their lives TRYING to keep this country SAFE! ( with little help from the federal gov't). I retract my previous statement, Philly and other cities all over this country deal with terrorists everyday. They're called GANGS. Where does that fall in HOMELAND SECURITY?! Under my ass, thats where. How soon we forget.
Canada Sucks Again

It must really be painful for canadians to have the last three Stanley Cup champions be from california, north carolina, and florida, all beating canadian teams no less. out of place hockey winning over canada's over inflated sense of superiority just makes this so much greater to me. sure, MY team didnt win, but to stuff another hot coal up the canucks' pretentious self centered asses is almost as satisfying now that the sting of the Penguins losing has worn off. To have a 13 year old expansion team that was named after a disney movie kick the capital of snowland in the nuts has to make their best loved loudmouth asshole Don Cherry want to shit blood until next season. The last time a canadian team won it all was the year before Anaheim even had a team. I guess what im trying to say is...fuck canada and every french speaking sphincter faced faggot that thinks hockey is better there just because they get to slide their ass around on frozen water 10 months of the year.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I've started up a new blogsite, called "Counterfire", which is based on local and international politics. the address is Aside from myself, covering the Presidential campaigns, I'm in the process of trying to contact an old friend to post about religious subjects, and looking to recruit someone for addition, I'd like Jollyred to take on the environment stuff like global warming and rainforest destruction, you know, hippy stuff. Also, if Cuban-B would like to cover the Iraq, Iran, and Russian threat category, I think we'd have a pretty damn good crew on board for this thing. I'll be advertising Counterfire across the internet any way I can, so hopefully there will be a good reader base for it. If you two are interested, leave a comment and i'll drop the invite.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Hows that Scan Eagle?
Friday, June 1, 2007
I used to think that Mike Tyson was a lunatic after watching a bunch of his interviews I realized i was wrong. The man is a lingual genius not to mention a philosipher on life just watch this video. you'll see Peace. Mongo
Stupid, Stupid Mike Vick
WTF are you doing Vick? dont you know that all an NFL player has to do is admit they were wrong, and apologize to get off with a slap on the wrist? Denying shit that you obviously were involved in only makes it sweeter for these whistle blowers to bust you.
So Vick bred a bunch of dogs to have fights to the death on his property. Then he got caught. what does he do? He certainly didnt be a man and own up to what he did. Instead, he shows his pink belly and incriminates his family members, placing the blame wholly on them for things that happened at HIS house. So you have a dog breeding liscense you say? well guess what, normal dogs that are taken care of properly dont try to rip eachothers throats out. How could you expect your "family" to not narc your ass out after you made it clear you didnt care what happened to them, so long as you got away clean?
Mike Vick needs a friend now people. someone get him a puppy...wait, no, dont do that.
So Vick bred a bunch of dogs to have fights to the death on his property. Then he got caught. what does he do? He certainly didnt be a man and own up to what he did. Instead, he shows his pink belly and incriminates his family members, placing the blame wholly on them for things that happened at HIS house. So you have a dog breeding liscense you say? well guess what, normal dogs that are taken care of properly dont try to rip eachothers throats out. How could you expect your "family" to not narc your ass out after you made it clear you didnt care what happened to them, so long as you got away clean?
Mike Vick needs a friend now people. someone get him a puppy...wait, no, dont do that.
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