Ok I'm going to start off by saying I am indeed a slacker for not posting as often as I should and forgetting what the hell happened after the numerous parities Andy and I have thrown in the last couple of years.
Going back to Mexico…….I just have to say that getting drunk in a country that has an exchange rate of 13- to 1 US dollar is not a good idea if you suck at math and you don’t speak the native language.
After Meagan (girl I went with, and can out drink me 9 times out of 10) went shopping on the second day, we proceeded to head to the nearest bar once we stepped foot in the hotel. After several Coronas and a couple of weak ass margaritas (which tasted like they were made with Fanta), we headed to the buffet to carbo-load on what ever Mexican food they could slap in front of us. We some how that it was a bright idea to drink red wine. which I might add that it was given to us for free since we were the only white girls in bikinis in the whole place. the Mexican waiter kept feeding us more wine claiming that he did not understand the word NO. Probably because he wanted to keep near us so he could peer at our skimpy clad bodies. No matter to me, keep feeding me wine and I will be happy. After what I can only imagine was several bottles of wine (which we have no way of telling because it was not on the bill). Some how we got sucked into the karaoke bar, which anyone who knows me I will outright refuse to go to under normal circumstances. I just have to say the Queen (bohemian rhapsody) does not translate well with Mexicans.
after that we navigated out of the bar and towards our hotel rooms. Then we noticed it was still raining and flooding the entire area. unable to navigate the passage back to the room without getting wet, we stumbled (water and marble floors not a good mixture) into the hotel room and were done for the night.
Other than having the worlds shittest margaritas and only good servichi, I have to say the highlight of the trip was the Canopy tour we took on Monday. Combine me and a mule up a mountain with no guide for an hour and you end up with me finding peote and a huge lizard that scared the bejesus out of my mule. Add zip-linning and repelling down a waterfall and that equals a great time. Also I did not know pistachio tequila even existed and I have to say its pretty dam good. You get tons of free shots when you walk into random tequila stores in down town but its such a small amount, its not enough to go big.
1 comment:
shes a drinker is she? also, tequila is horrible, and the thought of it tasting like pistachios makes me want to just swallow a grenade and get it over with
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