Friday, September 25, 2009

A Sound of Thunder

Rorshach's journal: September 25th
530 am, I wake up on an air mattress, no idea how i got there. I remember i'm in yucca valley with Vin, and Fez. New Nightowl Panda showed up with scip scap Hosier. gallons of beer gone in minutes, a 5th of seagram destroyed. along with whatever this broken glass under my feet used to be.

upon further inspection the entire shelf of what used to be pictures, a vase, and a statue of betty boop lies in ruin next to the mattress. The last memories i have from the night before are being carried somewhere, dropped, and Vin shoving a handful of cotton candy in my mouth. Fez is awake now. I get up and show him the destruction on the floor, which ive half cleaned up by now. he slaps his belly and steals the bed.

615 am. I wake up again to some god awful phone alarm. cant figure out which one its coming from, they all look the same and are right next to each other on the table. Panda wakes up and punches Hosier in the stomach. they both leave and i take their bed. more memories return of flaming homo black guys on TV and the 3rd Nightowl slideshow.

Kim is commissioned Nightowl Panda, and a small corner of the town called yucca valley is proper fucked once again.

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