Friday, September 25, 2009

A Sound of Thunder

Rorshach's journal: September 25th
530 am, I wake up on an air mattress, no idea how i got there. I remember i'm in yucca valley with Vin, and Fez. New Nightowl Panda showed up with scip scap Hosier. gallons of beer gone in minutes, a 5th of seagram destroyed. along with whatever this broken glass under my feet used to be.

upon further inspection the entire shelf of what used to be pictures, a vase, and a statue of betty boop lies in ruin next to the mattress. The last memories i have from the night before are being carried somewhere, dropped, and Vin shoving a handful of cotton candy in my mouth. Fez is awake now. I get up and show him the destruction on the floor, which ive half cleaned up by now. he slaps his belly and steals the bed.

615 am. I wake up again to some god awful phone alarm. cant figure out which one its coming from, they all look the same and are right next to each other on the table. Panda wakes up and punches Hosier in the stomach. they both leave and i take their bed. more memories return of flaming homo black guys on TV and the 3rd Nightowl slideshow.

Kim is commissioned Nightowl Panda, and a small corner of the town called yucca valley is proper fucked once again.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fish hooks in the balls dont make me smile

Imagine if you can, a man working at mcdonalds. the man decides one day he should probably not spend his life working there and decides to quit. a year later, some random mcdonalds manager hes never seen before comes up behind him with a fishing pole, casts the line over the mans shoulder and hooks him right in the balls. the manager then reels him back to some McD's store to work another year against his will, frying burgers on the grill with a fake minnow stuck to his nutsack and bleeding.
Survey says that guy would be a little bit pissed about the whole scene.

So since RIPTOA is tommorow, CLB-7 decided to start giving out the awards. Rumor had it i'd been put in for a NAM. fine with me, cool if i get one of those, if not, oh well. As i stood there watching everyone get their NAMs and Circoms, i figured i wouldnt be getting anything, which would also have been fine with me. then they called my name, but before they read the citation, the SSgt holding the award apologized. wtf.

A meritorious mast, as i was later informed, is one step below a circom. Apparently the CO thought it would be best to have them give me something lower than every single person who recieved a medal, circom or w/e the fuck. and his reason? Well it wasnt that i wasnt working enough. 12 on 12 off, for 7 months with no break. doing two jobs at once, when the other person in the room needed to go get her nails done or cry to the docs about the sand in her vag. nope, the CO decided that because i didnt smile enough when his bitch ass came into the COC, over rides everything else that happened during this fucking stupid deployment.

Nothing would have been better than that piece of shit he approved for me, it at least would have been less embarassing, not to mention the SNCOs wasting all the time they put in trying to convince that faggot of whatever it was they thought i should get.
Anyway, from myself and the mcdonalds worker, sitting here with jagged metal in our balls from being yanked back into the boat, would like to give a loud "Fuck You" to LtCol Karega, USMC Commanding.

Youre god damn right we arent going to smile for working here again.