Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome back, shitbag

Hi, now that the window of opportunity is closing in fast, and I'll soon be confined to the dog kennel that is the marines, I'm going to take a moment to be selfish.

Let me start by saying, FUCK YOU marine corps. Thats right, i hate your guts. All your tradition you value so much, but cast aside if the slightest thing doesnt go your way, shove all that right up your ass. Its a shame that in what is supposed to be a no nonsense badass collection of tough motherfuckers, There is a hierarchy that is fed from total bullshit. Liars and ass kissers are rewarded, while the non questioning, hard working people, the REAL few and proud, are ignored because they havent got anything to bitch and moan about. they dont try to get out of working parties, they dont turn into a pathetic crybaby when someone else gets promoted, they are merely happy for that person.

So, heres the fun part. When I left, i dragged a trail of guilt behind me based on the feeling that I had let my unit down. By abandoning them in a time of war, when they needed instructors, I split because i was a gnats wing away from insanity from deploying. Well you know what? Kiss my fucking ass now. I dont feel that way anymore. People were pissed because i took so long to decide what i was going to do, I didnt like it anymore than they did, but fuck it now.

Know why? Because there were people 2 years away from their EAS that repeated the phrase "fuck this i'm leaving" all the time. Those people got a plaque, a prop with everyones signatures, and everyone stayed late after work for their ceremonies. On the other hand, I, who didnt even want to leave the unit, wanted to stay and train the new guys, and carry on the Night Owl colors, and only didnt because i knew i would go fucking batshit without a break, got nothing.

No prop, no signatures. What I got was yelled at from top Trani to get the fuck out of the office. So sorry i didnt stop caring halfway through my enlistment top. I'll be back in a VMU unit soon, but know this, the friends I've made at Cherry Point are the only things keeping me from telling the commandant to go fuck himself with my rolled up recall orders.


Mongo said...

well I guess that you hate me bc i got a prop... Sorry you feel that way buddy. Maybe I'll see you out here at the MEF next year and I'll give you a Scan Eagle prop.

Kaiser said...

I dont hate people that got a prop, I hate that everyone above E-7 wanted to kill me until the day i left for not being able to decide whether or not to stay on their schedule.

Fez said...

Yeah, it was kind of crappy, but through the years i have learned, it's not e-7 and above that give that stuff out. It's mostly E-5 thing.

Every plaque i have seen given out was thought about, bought by the younguns, and the old timers butt there way in by presenting it. It's like if I gave someone a gift, that I picked up from the table, threw off the "To:/ From:" tag, and pretend like it came from me.

So the real criminals about the prop is me, P and the rest of us, because we were packing up, thought you were re-enlisting, and after we took off, i thought you were going to re-enlist, just after we deployed. So you could get your time off.

Vin said...

I hear you Kaiser. It is not about a stupid prop. It is about e-7's and above who give only a shit about their precious careers and not about the ones in their you get railroaded when you don't follow their timeline or read their FUCKIN minds.....guess what brother NOTHING has changed except for that trend getting worse, especially with certain people.....No one i know on here needs a prop to validate their worth but i am damn sure we won't let ourselves get fucked over by some halfwit concerned only about he or shes career.