Well for starters we can go with Raleigh. Went with P, Fez, and Mongo to Raleigh to eat at the coveted Cheesecake Factory. Which later evolved into a drink fest on a random dudes tab and VIP bottles on someone else as well. Later, after telling P and Fez that I would "be right out" I found that I wasn't leaving but instead was going to stumble into Raleigh and try to discover the hotel (who's name I had no clue). I Get my phone run over, steal a hot dog, get laid, and end up at the hotel, where Mongo has 2 chicks eating and feeding him cheesecake, one of those happened to be my piece. I offer my "stolen" hotdog as a substitute and get denied, where I then throw said dog at wall, call the girls bitches and whores and walk out shirtless to the elevator and run into P and fez. Woke up in the bathtub, threw up in an Arby's bathroom and along every 20 miles of the drive home. Oh, and cotton all over me and ladies thinking I was being beaten was priceless.
Next I will go with any and all Greenville trips. Most of which ended with me on frat row, pissing on doors and screaming for sluts to come out and play with my balls. Something that apparently was my favorite thing to do in that place. Also, the patented "you look like whores" quote and bar puking incident are tops for me in that place.
And finally, Mongo and I on a drive back to base from Jersey on a random weekend, I am tired as fuck. So instead of waking the fucker up, I just pull over, he wakes up, takes over and I jump in the passenger seat and fall asleep. I awake a few hours later to Mongo poking me saying "I'm going for it dude". I open my eyes and see the posts for a railroad crossing coming down and a rather speedy fucking train approaching on our right side (also known as my fucking side). We swerved right, dodge the one post, swerve left and dodge the other, all while the train is blowing his horn and was close enough to where I could spit on the bitch with minimal effort. Needless to say, I was up the whole time after that.
Side Note: (fuck you that dont know the story)
Oh, and also, 2005 Ball I believe. A little beach sex (girl one, same one who got my face smashed a few weeks later), and then a little mud swimming for some ducks to get a little bathroom sex, right after Mongo told me to my face and to her's that she was "and ugly whore". Still gotta get that dick wet, he is the ruler of all. Then, late night, Brain and I throwing bottles at moving cars from his balcony and Maj. D trying to make the entire hotel's elevator system shutdown.
Dude you hit the top 3 for yourself...but a few details forgotten.
first story
1. pissing on the bar, not just once, but twice i caught you.
2. passing out in vip.
second story
bringing ass grabber Mushmacher is ridiculous enough.
You hit the major parts. But you didn't know that cunningham puked on that mudduck earlier in the night. He drank to much beer in a swig, it came up, he covered his mouth with his hand, but there was enough space between his fingers to cause a gleek effect and hit her from 10 ft away. She thought someone spit on her.
Oh shit, minor details are bar pissing, and I think i do that almost everywhere I go.
sooo, it's ok to pee on bars in your mind. haha, you grimy little bastage.
YEah, I think it is okay in moderation!
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