Well, after 3 weeks with out internet (new computer/ had to move so we can all be in one barracks) I am back to harrass the masses.
These weekends since the units have left have been insane. I never knew Atlantic Beach was so much goddamn fun.
First weekend- Got drunk made fun of a homosexual black man (gay negro is what i called him all night), tried to pretend that Tatanka, myself and Hereim were brothers...the Benavidos brothers. Didnt' work but was fun doing it trying to keep the stories straight while we were hammered. Also saw real life Mrs. Garrison (old dude, bald head, with white hair on the sides, wearing womens clothes....oh yeah and had a Boob Job!!!!111! WTF!!).
Damage:No blackouts, No vomits, pissed on public property in front of police.
Second weekend- Jimbo (Hereim), Krejnik and a few of Krejniks friends go back to conquer Atlantic Beach. Pregamed(6pack in 25 min) Went out met up with krejnik. Found out the competition was 4guys against 3 girls, who could get the most phone numbers. Krejnik gets the dirty award for asking a prego( pregnant chick) I asked a geriatric with a moustache for hers. Ended up taking a drunk van down to beufort to a place called Cool Fish. Contest continued, me and Krejnik's friend Nick got in with a bachloerette party. That was the decisive victory and the girls admitted defeat. At the end of the night had 2 grey goose shots, one mixture shot and the jager did me in. Vomitted at the bar and promptly left before the staff could figure out what happened. Took the drunk van back to jimbo's (by the way, the drunk van is fucking free!!)
Damage: 1 Bombit, 2 vomits, 1 blackout, 16 phone numbers that had to be deleted.
Third Weekend- Tatanka and I, head to J-ville to visit Tucka and Jiblert (tucker and gilbert). First night almost murder a turtle....That's about it, those guys are boring.
Damage: Climbed a fence with my pants down to play hockey, beers consumed...astronomical...Tatanka tried to start a fight at 11 in the morning at Waffle house... his defense we woke up drinking beers. So we were tanked.
Fourth Weekend- Is my birthday weekend...will be wearing the jersey...oh it's on.
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All nightowls should read this, and follow suit. Tatanka has really come into his own, and has become a true force in going big. When I get back there its going to be madness. fucking madness.
I have read and it makes me jealous. Yes, much props to the newest crowned lush TATANKA! Fez the Vomit and Dash was brilliant. Hey Cuban you and I need to have some sort of combined used-to-be a bachelor party.
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