Hi, I'm CLIFF FITTIR. For those of you who don't know me, I'M A CLAUSIAN. That means I'm much stronger than you and....thats pretty much it. I punch robots and talk about crap nobody cares to hear. I'm accustomed to letting little kids run my life, and acting like i don't care about anything but money. So pretty much I'm Han Solo, except with the Clausian thing. If you got a problem with that, maybe you'll think twice after you see how hard i can punch my own hand. Anyways I'm posting on your blog now, so you have to put up with me.
Cliff Fittir?
Holy jeezus that game blew cow testicles with nyugens mouth.
hey dude they removed the "Hitler loves the Cowboys" video...can you repost it?
Who the F are you?
Hitler loves the cowboys was deleted for copyright infringement, and no longer exists. However we are currently looking into more great movies, and will provide information on them when we can.
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