Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Going Big in Vegas is like saying you like to have a beer at the game. It's a given, and the worse part is, everyone is going big. Everyone of these people there are commiting all of the seven deadly sins....and then gambling on top of it. But i will say it was an awesome time. A few things we learned... 1)military discount is the SHIT..Vegas loves us... 2) don't steal ice, unless you want one of the Sopranos booting you out of a club... 3) Two new words that need to be added to the dictionary 1] WhorePaint: Exessive amount of makeup, usually used to cover up the true disgustingness of a persons appearance, and will almost always have blue eyeshadow to distract from less desirable areas i.e. snaggle teeth, Car gut. 2] Flagros: (pronounced Flay-Grows) Only in vegas i think this word applies because it appears the Gay Negros congregate there at an alarming rate. 4) Stomp is almost the best live show you can ever see in your life....only topped by Cirque De Soleil's show Ka, The stage could rotate in every direction, XYZ axis did not apply to this thing, it would completely invert on itself, then rotate again. If you are having trouble visualizing this...(julie red, i mean you), take a book... and any way you can think of turning it. The stage could do it.

Only thing i can say, is we need to hit this place in force, Las Vegas not only accepts go big applicants.. but demands it.

1 comment:

Kaiser said...

Start organizing a bigger run then. see if we can get EVERYONE.