Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Steroids For Jed

Another sport has come up positive for "banned substances" this week. No, its not finally basketball or hockey, its bullriding. I have no idea why a bullrider would need to bulk up, It seems to me that it would be more fun to juice up the animals and watch them stomp the shit out of those god damn humans on their backs. If anyone should be on steroids in that sport its the dumb bastards who get to distract the bull after it throws billy joe clampett off of him and decides he needs a horn up his ass. Rodeo clowns should most certainly be allowed to gain any advantage they want. They arent part of the competition, and they probably dont need functional testicles anyway.


JollyRed said...

Was this on ESPN or are you a in the closet fan of bull riding?

Kaiser said...

I have my sources.

Cuban-B said...

Yea Jolly, Kaiser in cowboy boots and a hat.....all 50lbs of him
In the words of Fez…."Ridiculous"

Kaiser said...

Yeah you wont see me buying tickets to any rodeos. Ive had a bad enough experience with a cow already.

JollyRed said...

I am not even going to ask.