Tuesday, July 10, 2007

5 years from now

Using DNA estimation technology, this is an accurate portrayal of what Mine and the Lazo kids will be doing in 5 years.


JollyRed said...

Except mine will be drinking rum. All and all I think its an accurate picture.

Mongo said...

They are the furture President and billy Madison in the making

JollyRed said...

Are you trying to tell me my kids will be president. HA! More like eviro-hippies.JK I don't care what they do as long as they put me in a decent nurseing home when i'm 80.

Cuban-B said...

Damn right they will be the next President!! Then I will put jolly in a nursing home, and go spend my kids money! Cuz I'm the Jugernaut Bitchz!

JollyRed said...

OK, old man....You can't leave me out of spending peoples money. Besides if you dont start taking you memory pills you won't even know you are by the time our kids are presdent.
That's right...take your dam pills!