Sunday, February 18, 2007 ministry territory

I guess i'll start with myself. You can consider the god awful metropolis of Pensacola as ministry territory and believe me it came with huge price tag. Things that come to mind are Maguire's, Seville, Bedlam, Mardi Gras Beeds, having your friend that is a girl(hint, hint future Mrs. Vin) try to hook up your boys with a girl that wants you. What a sad town. Ironically I got hang out with a Watchhog and a future Watchhog worthy of prospect nominations(We plan to take Biloxi, MS later on). Taz unfortunately was not present for this conquest as he had very important things to deal with. I racked up 8 vomits, 1 blackout, 1 public humiliation and a total of 12 go big hours for the SOLO Pensacola Campaign. Depending on reports that come in from the rest of you we may just need to call this the Presidents Day Campaign with coverage up and down the east coast. I am in the process of securing our next battlefield of ATLANTA as our final conquest before most of us go back to prison. I think I want administrative rights so i can update things as well once you guys are gone. How are our Prospects coming along?


Kaiser said...

since i wont be in iraq either, i'm keeping the admin rights.

Cuban-B said...

yeah I got your drunken voicemail!!!(good shit)
ATL sounds like a plan, how's the weekned of the 2nd of March sound to you guys??

Vin said...

ok the bitch! no need to get nasty. update the damn conquer roster then bitch. So Shadow it is huh? I love how you guys keep me in the loop. fuck off. ATL sound good then for everybody? I will post the section that will prove most difficult to take. can anyone say COYOTE UGLY!