Monday, April 30, 2007

DET F is disbanded

Today this 30th day of April in the year of our Lord I order DET F of the Nightowl Ministry disbanded and they are to return to Headquarters Ministry for GO BIG de mayo..It is so ordered. Vin and Taz complete EP school and cease their rampage on the Heart of Dixie.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fezzick and Bwaaw

Fez, did you disable your Woda account? if not, can i have the login so i can continue the Monarkos Comic? gonna try to get flox in there too.

The Draft!

The NFL draft that is. Randy Moss is a Patriot, Brady Quinn that lucky bastard, was drafted by....the browns. Sorry eflow, but his career is now over. And fuck you mike holmgren, for drafting a defensive end named Baraka. You just had to take your shots at me didnt you? The Lions also doomed another WR to obscurity by selecting Calvin Johnson. Is Matt Millen still in Detroit? who the hell is running that team? The Eagles picked a guy by the last name of Grubbs. Hopefully for them, he's from some normal part of civilization. Once again, the Texans had a chance to draft some impact players on offense and went for a Defensive Tackle with their only pick in the 1st two rounds. If you are a fan of this team, I feel sorry for you. If youve been a fan for more than 3 years though, youre a fucking moron.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ive had it with the tv shows and songs that say everyone is beautiful in their own ways. what a load of bullshit. NO its not true we should love everyone the way they are, thats what keeps them fat, ugly, or addicted to smack. Oprah is a god damn hypocrite. she tells us that were all special and should like our bodies no matter what, but everytime she explodes into jabba mode, she goes on a 6 month puke and starve diet, then cries on her show explaining how proud of herself she is that shes no longer a blob of gristley diarrhea. maybe shes just doing it to taunt people who cant lose weight by saying "ive lost 200 lbs on 19 seperate occasions!" How about people stop being content to be total slobs and take note of the disgusting parts of your body. AND FIX IT. if youre ugly, get some plastic surgery, if you cant afford that because the dishwasher sitting in your yard jacks up your electric bill, then start doing dishes by hand, maybe that will burn off the part of your arms that look like water filled sandwich bags. If youre fatter than that, try crobarring yourself off the couch and into your neighbors truck bed for a trip to the gym. But whatever you do, stop feeling good about yourself for having the "courage" to live looking like you do.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hippie convention

So last weekend I went to a Kayak festival in Charleston (Said with my southern accent). I have never seen so many hippies of all ages there! Needless to say it was hosted by Subaru, which means that their were a ton of hippie carrying Subaru's there. It was awesome! I got so much free Subaru stuff. Here is a picture of my future car (but with a turbo of course!). I also scoped out the area while I was there. With four colleges and one medical university within a 2 mile radius of Down town Charleston I say it has potential! I say we do some planning.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Captain Vin Comic.

Click the pic for full size...if you dare.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Statkeeper needed upon Nightowl DET A return

Since i wont be with the main body of the ministry, someone else is going to have to keep the stats up to date. I'll send all the stuff needed to update them, and JollyRed can teach you how to maintain the Hour Piechart. just let me know who it's going to be, and i will send it over when you guys get back.

Det F takes flight over the Gulf of Mexico

Vin and Taz go parasailing...followed by jaeger bombs, jack and cokes and then Alco-karts(Go-kart driving under the influence). Destin becomes our bitch again

Saturday, April 21, 2007

woke up quick at about noon, just thought.......

It's one month in, time to start the games, goats, fruit baskets, front tuck, tumors, gum, divers watch and the usual "hey look at this" is happening. I got everyone at the gym while doing leg lifts. Hilarious. Well you fuckers missing it, just thought i would remind you. Laterz

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Trip to Seattle

Its up to you guys. i would suggest as late in the spring as you can possibly do it before going over, Vin. The warmer the better. that'll also give me time to relearn this place and discover the proper watering holes to hit. Mariners tickets are probably easy to get, so we can spend at least one day/night getting fucked up at a baseball game. and theyre cheap too. aside from that, i still need to look around.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Bored as shit, had one flight today, came home early, too many people in the room to spank it, came to internet, have nothing to say, don't want to use periods, rather use a shit ton of commas, ask my self, self is this right, going to spank it,


Monday, April 16, 2007

DET F conquests..2007-2008 Go Big Season

Six Flags Atlanta, GA
New Orleans, LA
Destin, FL
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, FL


Whats up everyone!! Its been more than a month since I have been able to get on here. For all of you not out here, guess what??
This place still freaking sucks!!! So have some yager for the Cubano!!
Damn Vin, I wish I had the chance to get you some of those videos for that remix, oh well.
Hey everybody , on a separate note, mark this damn day on your calendars!!
NOVEMEMER 24, 2007
Thats when Jolly Red and I are going to have our wedding shng ding, and all you ugly basterds will be my groomsman....thats right, a good excuse to get extremely hammered!!

Well the deployment has been "ok" so far, I have had the honor with working with the infamous Gunny T, however I have to deal with the Banjo Commander, can you say dumbass!!
Alright guys, talk to you later


My guess is that everyone is they really don't have time to check this page...but I'll put it out there anyway.

DVD: Nightowls:From Then to Now (The Remix) has been released....I know, I know most or all of you never got the original. I'll fix that. Kaiser if you are around I will try to send a copy in the mail and over email to see if you can post it on here..let me know if that is good and give me your damn mailing address. Those in Iraq I will mail a copy or when and if I come out bring them with me. Those at CP shut the fuck up I will be there in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gather 'round for a story

Well folks i did it, the first ridiculous thing so far.

Top asked me to be a camera man and take pictures of him taking off a rato. So i said no problem, taking pictures being a good person. Than the part of my brain that loves me to fuck up started to say "hey, take a picture of your nuts, it will be reeeaaally funny".

So's i mention it to Yufit, and just like a triple dog dare to a child, he "no balls'ed" me. So of course i had to do it, hop into GCS 2 and hit it up real quick. A beauty of a shot, one ball, few pubes in the shot, no mistaking it. I think this is great, but instead of stopping there, i decide to show elflow. Well he thought it would be great to take a picture of his ass. And does, but while he was doing it some one burst through the door, he tried to toss the camera to me and pull up his pants at the same time.

Disaster, the string gets caught up on something, the camera plummits to the ground. I watch, too afraid to move. It bounces hard, my only hope is maybe it will just have some scratches. Oh no my friends. It landed right on the lense. It won't even turn on.

So i have to tell top, i just tell him it drops. He wants to know how i dropped it. So i finally give in and tell him i was taking a picture of my ballsac and i dropped it.
He took it well, and the memory card still worked. With a picture mine nuts, eflow's ass and one broken camera as evidence of the ridiculousness of the day.

So anyone know where to buy a camera cheap?

Monday, April 9, 2007


Here it is the SPARTA of all drinking materials! I'll see if I can't get a couple more for you bitches.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Disgruntled 2 weeks in.

Fuck Capt Nerdling, what a ridiculous fuck. He's the worse type of nerd. He's an angry nerd with power. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having geek qualities, but if i goes to the point of being a ridiculous prick then you are a ginormous loser like Nerding.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Shit...

I found this quote and changed it up a little but it should be a staple of Nightowl mentality.

FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
NIGHTOWLS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "You better drink the rest of that shit, you know we don't waste. That's alcohol abuse!!!" HAHAHAHA !!!!

Damn right.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Possibly the first conquest of the 2007-2008 Go Big Season

Det F will be traveling to Tampa, FL for a function including taking the other Busch Gardens and whatever else we decide.

Hey Dumbasses!

So what if Kaiser is moving across country..he is not leaving so 86 the farewell bullshit! He is and will always be a fucking Nightowl and he will still be apart of every function he can. Those who get out and forget were never Nightowls to begin with. To me..nothing is changing. CRY ME A FUCKIN RIVER! Get a hold of your BALLS and stop whining like Krejnik...bitches.

Why no one should go to Sugars!

You know Kaiser is more of a friend then any chick I have ever met. Not because he can drink his body weight, but because he did not leave me alone for one second while my neighbor dragged me to the most repulsive place I have ever seen. Sugars is no place for Nightowls!!! Kaiser and I witnessed the gruesome deformity of a barely A cup blond chick with the abilities to grade cheese with her grill. I don't see how that place makes money!
Be warned, if I see Nightowls their their will be consequences!
Waste you money on boose not deformed monsters.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Grubbsmobile SOLD

with the emphasis on "grubbs" and "bile"it sold for less than a 3rd of what i paid for it 5 months ago, proving that "Ford Tough" is no match for raging alcoholics who rampage around the parking lot it sits in. the grubbsmobile took me to work everyday, and traveled as far away from home as swansboro once.

I'll miss the way the seatbelt fell out of its clamp 3 or 4 times a trip, the way i couldnt see at night because the headlight covers are frosted out, and the way the CD player told me my brand new system of a down album was a bad disc. YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I HAD JUST BOUGHT THAT 10 MINUTES AGO GRUBBSMOBILE.

But most of all, I'll miss the way i tried to leave places that were far away from any mechanic shop to discover i could only drive in a straight line.


Kaiser Soze

Well this is too the founder of gunnamatna. We will miss your crazy ways. You deserve a damn medal for all the laughs. Now who the hell is going to find my glasses and keys. Fuck.

Monday, April 2, 2007


Jolly Red, we must plan a night fitting for that of our A-Capt, who will soon be leaving us... If you have any suggestions let me know, or Kaiser, if there is any last thing you would like to do before your departure.

2006 / 2007 Awards

Gerber is re-enstated as a Senior Nightowl due to his tremendous comeback during the final weeks of the 2006-2007 GoBig season. he is also awarded the Iron cirrotic liver award for outstanding tolerance during this time peiord.

Fez is awarded the first ever Crest of Carbombing, for taking 10 Irish carbombs in under 2 hours. this is now one of the challenges a prospect may choose to over come as part of the Indoctrination process.

Vin is awarded the Rodger Young Rally Cry Medal, for extensive abuse and rallying of Nightowls who thought they were finished Going Big for a night, and were moved by his leadership to continue the evening in a manner fitting of a Nightowl.

JollyRed is awarded the Medal of Urlacher, for her efforts as a wingman to Nightowls looking for easy women, and the pursuit of Pigs ham.

Vin and Spoon are awarded the crest of Punishment, for reception of a Banana Slap during a night of Going Big. such events are legendary, and represent the highest standard of Going Big to be chronicled and emulated in Nightowl lore.

Kaiser is awarded the Medal of Masochism, for destruction of self and property beyond finances and physical limitaion.

Fez and Kaiser are awarded the Stanley Ray Citation, for achieving the milestone of 10 blackouts, certifying at least 10 different nights of going big while accumulating several other stats and points withing the ministry system.

Cuban B and JollyRed are awarded the Black Cirrotic Liver for consuming 25 Jaegerbombs. Cuban B is awarded 2 bronze stars with the medal, while JollyRed is awarded 1 bronze star, for surpassing the requirements for the honor as many times.

Kaiser is awarded the GoBig longevity Record Citation, for achieving 12 consecutive nights of going big, setting a new record and standard for Nightowls to follow. this is one of the challenges a prospect may choose to overcome as part of the Indoctrination process.

Taz is awarded the World by Storm award, for going above and beyond the expectations of a newly commissioned Nightowl in his drinking habits and destruction of property tendancies after becoming a solid member of the Nightowls

Crank is awarded the Crest of punishment, Iron Cirrotic Liver, and World by Storm awards due to his willingness to put Going Big ahead of all predetermined responsibilities during every single Nightowl Trip weekend, and participating in every conquest the Nightowls achieved during the season of 06/07. In commendation of his outstanding reprimand for duty and finance, the "CrankMo" award shall be given to the Nightowl who participates the most after a commision in each GoBig season hereafter.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Vin..i need digits

whats your phone number man, call me and tell if you got mine, if not, send it to the hate mail addy.