Friday, March 30, 2007
Ministry Closed
Okay, Vin i know you will agree with me on this. Until a REAL prospect comes along, one that doesnt act like a bitch or Go Big only on weekends, the Ministry is closed to outsiders. Too many Prospects have let us down this year, and it will not happen again. you motherfuckers better prove yourselves before you even think about calling yourself a prospect. We did it right with Ira. He put the chips on the table just to become a prospect, and passed the checklist with flying colors during that time. His commission should be a model for the rest of you Scip Scaps to follow.
Astranaar Raid
Flox, Electrik, and I were whooping that ass until the question marks showed up. Schwitzgar? go fuck yourself you fucking coward.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
nothing says iraq, than sand in your nutsac
hey folks,
just saying i made it here. Like the posts, looks like i edged out the competition this year. Had a good last week. It's all about finishing strong no matter how embarassing it is. Nice pics jooly. That was a massive amount of beer. hmm, what to say, other than gunnafuckamatna.
just saying i made it here. Like the posts, looks like i edged out the competition this year. Had a good last week. It's all about finishing strong no matter how embarassing it is. Nice pics jooly. That was a massive amount of beer. hmm, what to say, other than gunnafuckamatna.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wine testing
Ok Everyone I am planning a trip!!! Yes I know Jolly never comes up with anything good by her self. I have an idea!!! there is a winery about one hour away from here. I called yesterday and they are open on weekends and everything. They do wine testing!!! and tours. If any one who is left on CONUS would like to join me just let me know. I haven't got a date yet but I would like to go in a couple of weeks.
Friday, March 23, 2007
End of Season

The greatest season for Nightowl trips has come to an end. For reasons i might get in in trouble for mentioning here, most of the Ministry is not at home base, and wont be for a very long time. Only Myself, Crank, and JollyRed remain for a couple last events before a long ass time without Going Big. It was a fucking bomb ass stretch though, with tons of conquests and an unbelievable amount of Hours and Stats pouring into the records. The change of Command in July provided us with another great Captain, and an Alternate who could outdrink Moby Dick. In the midst of rampant Scip Scapping and Faggotry from Bigny, Banjo and those who would wish to join us and failed, the Nightowls kept it rolling week after week. Here is the All time Hour total, presented in a graph crafted from the now college educated JollyRed. Some of you have a lot of catching up to do next season. I'll try to be there as much as possible. If i can't, just remember to tip the first shot to Gunnamatna.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sheetrock? and.....
Who is Prospect Sheetrock? Oh, and Mojo has failed to meet the time requirement by a long shot you guys are leaving tomorrow morning and he ain't done shit! Is he special and gets 2 years to man the fuck up or can he be deleted...I'm tired of seeing prospect in front of his name and I don't recall seeing him anywhere in the pics from last night. HE IS DONE. any questions?
Last nights chaos was a great ending to the 5ish months spent in CONUS. I would have to say though I was very disappointed in the new marines s-3 has dug up from god knows where. Isn’t their a requirement or something to get into this MOS? I feel sorry for those who have to spend time with them in the future. Very well here are the pictures.
Boom Boom Chuck
As soon as more people remember what the hell happened last night, we'll post it here. the only evidence of the chaos is a song called "hittin motherfuckers". and holy shit, it is the craziest one since 'beat iraq".
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
the guitar has been annihilated. Gerber fucked it up and destroyed in, breaking it in half on the first swing. the fret board is completely splintered. the tuner is now tied to the main body. all present have signed, including the duty, who recieved the callsign "slew foot steve". Gunnamatna motherfuckers.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dinner on Thursday
As everyone should know by now, that I will be throwing a dinner at my house on Thursday night at 2000ish. Every Night Owl should be required to be at this dinner due to fact that this will be one of the last times everyone will be together (other than you Vin and of course Cuban-B). This is BYOS (Bring your own steak) or you can just give me some money and tell me what you want. I'll be at the barracks tomorrow for the annual smashing of the Guitar you can give it to me then.
till Then
Fire crotch
till Then
Fire crotch
Through tragedy we can overcome!!!
As you may know, a future potential prospect Roorda aka "Rocky"... is a virgin. Well i hope to remedy this situation, with the help of an indian tracker and Macgyver. We will find someone for Rocky to put it in. But since i am a poor beaner, i don't have the funds to hire such good help. So i will have to make due with the help of Kronic, I will use a digital camera and the internet. I am making a "get roorda laid by 21" page on myspace. I need the help of you by posting bulletins. (Well the people who have myspace.....kaiser....we can't be dissapointed that kaiser does not, we should be glad that he actually has a phone now.)Hopefully by the time we get home from iraq he will have many prospects. And if your wondering about swope.. He gave up on himself, i gave up and i don't think god helped out at all either. that's all. And my penis feels like a penis. not food.
Monday, March 19, 2007
This place should be the Nightowl Headquarters
New Orleans despite being almost completely destroyed(I say almost because downtown was still in tact) continues to be a haven for people(not Nightowls) that go BIG, it was unreal. Taz and I met our match as we were outnumbered by the thousands we did our best but dammit it wasn't close to being good enough. New Orleans was packed full ammunition including 60oz beer bottles and the best of them all a delightfully devilsh drink called a HAND GRENADE. These wolves in sheeps clothing were disguised by there subtle tropical taste all the while hiding behind this blistful taste was 190proof worth of lickaz. this drink promotes bottle rocket syndrome BUT is slow to wear off. Pissing in the streets, public nudity are all encouraged with a string beads as a reward. What better a place for Nightowls to thrive. I can't say we needed to take this city as they already knew the ropes and they showed us a few things.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Jolly's drunkenness
Due to the fact that all your bitch-asses decided not to go down to Myrtle Beach with me. I continued to make the ministry proud by getting shit faced with out any back up. My older brother and his array of loose women did accompany me as we went bar hopping along the steady stream of green beer. I made an attempt to drunk dial Fez, and Kaiser, but I could only get through to Mo (aka Crank). Maybe in the future the night owls will choose a great weekend with random women instead of spending time with people they are already scheduled to spent 7 months with.
By the way before everyone leaves I wanna have everyone over for dinner. We'll have steaks or something.
By the way before everyone leaves I wanna have everyone over for dinner. We'll have steaks or something.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Ira sacks up
Nightowl Ira is comissioned this day, March 17, 2007. into the ministry he rolls, having displayed the qualities of alcoholism deemed necessary to become part of the Nightowls.
Happy saint...wait why the fuck are we drinking!!!
Hey all,
just saying beer is delicious, and fantastic. laterz
just saying beer is delicious, and fantastic. laterz
Its St. Pattys Day Mate, drink ye some beer n spread the Merry cheer.
Special K
Special K is the first ever Gunner Captain. that is all, and Gunnamatna.
Special K
Special K is the first ever Gunner Captain. that is all, and Gunnamatna.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Spartans Conquer the Poker Barn!
A miracle has a occurred. a god damn miracle. I, Kaiser have come in 2nd place in the annual Lapi Poker Barn hold em tournament. Beating out such perrenial favorites as Fez, and Turtle. granted, i was the chip leader after it was just me and animal left, but i got no fucking help from the dealer after that. i was folded to death. no grudge though, 2nd works for me, since i expected to lose my ass tonight. Wam Squam! no spoon though....the scip scappin bitch.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Former Nightowl Kronic!
His priveledge of being a part of the ministry is now TERMINATED. Backstabbing bitches have no place in this organization. If the captains have any more questions concerning my descision give me a ring or email me. Also since he never paid for the jersey Kaiser bestowed upon his punkass is it possible to retrieve it and burn it. I don't want to see his ass in it again. If not I will find a way to get to it. It is so ordered!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
New Album Brewing
Theres a new album in the works, i doubt it will be done before this deployment but its got a good start. the songs so far are "The Hebrew Hammer", a delightful upbeat ballad about Turtle banging Meso in the ass, "Show Your Balls", Which is about the Marine Corps weird obsession with showing people your balls, "Sunder", a song performed by me, i cant really tell what the hell its about, "Whiskey in the Gyro", sung by 6 or 7 people in an attempt to change metallica into a song about crashing planes because we were drunk, "Jank One Out", not a song, but a monalogue by Fez and Tatanka about the carnal pleasures of shaving your legs, and an unnamed song by Dr. Gonzo. The tentative title for the album is "Fuckin Shit!".
DET "F" Regroup
Well ATL didn't go so well. We did takeover Six Flags but we need reinforcements the damn city is too big. Its on a DC, philly, vegas, orlando level which requires at least a group of four Nightowls. This can wait until our return from our yearly banishment. When we do we must attack Buckhead as I learned it has been dubbed the Beverly Hills of the south.....hmmmmm. In the meanwhile New Orleans is DET F's (Florida) next target....this should be easy and we have the cover of St. Patricks Day but it could get ugly.
Conquest for this weekend
The new conquest for this weekend is Murrells Inlet SC. The site for hostile takeover is the Hot Fish Club which is surrounded by 2 other local bars. This site has been selected due to the reporting of loose women and the bars near vicinity to the waterway. Location for hotel is less than 2 blocks away, and the bustling city of Myrtle Beach is less than a 20min drive. We leave when S-3 is released from work on Friday.
Excess liquor
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Damn Iraq Again!
Alright you basterds! It's that time of the year for me again. I will be departing to the sandbox early Monday morning. I will be at AA, so we will see how that goes.....
Alright have a Yager for me when you guys conquer ATL!
*I'll post when I get settled in
Alright have a Yager for me when you guys conquer ATL!
*I'll post when I get settled in
Fez, i'm still waiting to see the bald should post one on here because this is monumental. One question...were you drunk when you decided?
The N.I.G.H.T.O.P.S.
This morning it dawned on me that although a lot of documentation has been created regarding the standardization of the Ministry, not a single NIGHTOPS has been published. by the end of this week i plan to finish the print copy and get each Nightowl their own NIGHTOPS to study and master. Those of you going to TQ better have that shit memorized when you get back.
Florida updates requested
Any new numbers for me to update on the stat sheet? Taz has a big milestone coming up, so i want to make sure he gets recognition for it. and by the way Vin, youre behind me now in hours.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
just want to throw it out there
think my new call sign should be leonidas, my one ab is much bigger than all 18 of his. come on.... well sleep on it, tell me what you think.
Today the metropolis of Atlanta will fall. We will start out with Six Flags and go from there. I vow to not become victim to the bottle rocket syndrome once again and we will accompany a former Nightowl (Brad) (Alston) (Oldass) for a celebration bitches..... and.....IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE "300" YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF A NEW MANDATE...."300" IS THE OFFICIAL MOVIE OF THE NIGHTOWL MINISTRY UNTIL IT CAN BE DE-THRONED.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Special K made it to 1 and a half bottles of mad dog before he dissapeared. I passed out and woke up later, to watch Borat. Fez has downed about 15 beers as of now and is still playing the Woda.
Going Big 070309
Go Big night at the 4296. Special K is attempting 3 Mad Dogs. More updates to come.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
The new Darth Vader
Monday, March 5, 2007
Bottle Rocket....strikes again.
Well, I would give a report on what the Florida Battalion accomplished this weekend but I honestly can't tell you. I will tell you what Taz told me and that is... I had about 12 shots of vodka for pre-game and then I passed out in the club and had to be carried out where I took a "nap" next to the car on the ground. Hence removing myself from the group O'sluts circle. I'm a Fuckin moron...........
I'm sorry
I know i havent' been ranting and raving on here lately. So i have to give the reasons, i am a fat recently bald mexican't who is addicted to the WOW. For everyone else besides kaiser, that is the world of warcraft. Shit is like goddamn crack. The worse part i make fun of the guys online for being nerds. Like i am a better nerd cuz i go out drinking and have sex. Well fuck that. Even though i have been putting away enough beers to make the bravest of scip scap cringe. i have not been doing it the name of go big. Which i vow to change. From now oneth, i shalleth go bigeth.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Assault Pt. 2
Taz and I plan to overrun a place called FUDDPUCKERS courtesy of the future Nightowl stronghold of Destin/Ft. Walton Beach FL. This raid package is complete with group o'sluts.
Tonight Fez and I are planning a night insertion assault on the RBC center under cover of ackahol. Ric Flair will die!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I know I know I deserve it..
Okay people, Jolly Red and I just watched Ghost Rider the movie...and wow I honestly could not believe that a movie could be so fucking bad. It made the new incredible Hulk movie look like an Oscar winner. That only funny part (which wasn't done on purpose I think) is the villain (black heart), I shit you not he talks like Ben stiller's character in dodge ball! That's how bad the acting was....
Damn I go back to work tomorrow....FUCK ASS SHIT!
Damn I go back to work tomorrow....FUCK ASS SHIT!
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