Today, after living like we were in an aids infested third world country filled with other diseases wild animals and an epidemic, they suprise us with the fact that we are in a condemed barracks. Well i haven't been so suprised since they declared libercace gay.... I mean come on, Condemened. Are we Stopping there, this is the devil play pen, It is hot in the summer, and suprise suprise, unbearably hot in the winter. Fuck me like tyson and bite me in the ear, i am tempted to get a refridgerator box and live in there.
But besides that, it is day 4, after killing beers like the DC sniper, i think i am ready for some bowling, by the actuall correct drinking, i think i am only at 9, but i have been wrong before, and i am not going to count cans, i will count how many times i piss myself like a toddler by the end of the night. Act like you never have, and if you haven't, then you have never gone big and you are a scip scap. Let's just hope i vomit on myself.
Anyways, let's get your daily dose of abuse, you self rightous, i would criticize jesus and how shitty his sandals are fucks. That's right i went relgious, cuz fuck you, i don't give a fuck you anal retentive fucks. I haven't seen so much self gratification since Martha Stewart showed us how to make a homemade prison dildo. Quit suckin your own dicks for an idea, because guess what, 200 years from now who gives a shit. Fuck you. And fuck Oprah. Skunt.
Lvoe fez